Isogai, Gakushu & Reader - Brawl

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Meh. Just Imagine that you are Karma in that picture. (Unless you like that love triangle like me *winks*)

Let's begin! (─‿‿─)

I'm exhausted when I wrote this draft, so you might see some errors or something. I dunno. I just have this annoying headache.

This is requested by Autumn_Mint !! ❤️

Edited! (November 25,2017)


In your eyes, there's a heavy blue

One to love and one to lose

Sweet divide, a heavy truth

Water or wine, don't make me choose


Reader's Point of View

The bell rang throughout the school, telling that lessons are finished for today.

Koro-sensei immediately blasted off from the place since he said that there's this competition that he needs to watch.

I envy his powers, but not what he looks like. I imagined myself looking like an octopus, and gave myself a face palm.

I gave myself a deep sigh and smiled wide. It was finally dismissal, everyone's favorite.

I took my bag from my seat and rushed to the classroom door. I looked at my seat once again, making sure that I haven't forget something that I needed.

Before I could go outside, someone took my wrist, making me face that person.

"Isogai-kun... What's up?" I asked with a shy tone at the guy in front of me.

He instantly let go off my wrist, and spoke, "E-Eh... etto..."

I gave him a chuckle because of his cuteness. I never imagined him to stutter.

"Is there something I need to know?" I said with a huge grin plastered on my face.

He put his hand on his chest and breathed calmly. "Can I walk you home? You don't need to worry about my job since I already resigned because I have my needed budget and I just want to do this so please---"

I cut him off. "Let's go then." I gave him a gentle tug on his shoulders and started walking away from him.

I looked back at him and told him, "You're cute when you blush." And gave him a wink, which made him more flustered than earlier.

Then I continued walking, with him catching up on me.






We were already down the mountain, and both of us were gasping for air. As we got our composure, we easily went through the school's main gate.

We talked about things that we should do. Assignments and projects, and any other stuff that we could bring up.

Before we could go outside, someone grabbed my shoulders.

This made me alert, but I think I already know who it was.

Then it revealed a strawberry blonde male looking straight at my eyes.

"Gakushuu?" Shock was evident on my voice. I thought that it was going to be one of my classmates...

"Are you going home already?" He looked at Isogai that was beside me waiting, but he ignored him. He faced me once again and added, "Are you with him?"

"Uh.... yes and yes. Yes to the both of your questions." I shrugged and gave him a half smile.

"I'm going to walk you home." He announced with a cold voice, staring at Isogai.

"Don't you have things to do on the Student Council? Since you're the president and all..." I said worriedly.

"No, it's fine. I would walk you home... but without him." Gakushu pointed Isogai, making Isogai shook his head in disbelief.

"You can't make me go first, Asano. I was the one who first asked her." Isogai explained with a calm expression.

"I don't care who asked first." Gakushu said with a monotonous voice.

"Asano, please, back off. You're superior at this school, but not today." The black head male gave him a bored response.

Before I could speak to change the topic or to stop their argument, Gakushu replied.

"I don't care about your opinion, Ikemen."

"I told you to back off, Mr. Know It All." Isogai answered with an annoyed look.

I groaned because of impatience and half shouted, "Could we stop this nonsense? I just want to go home already."

"If you don't back off im telling the principal about your job!" Gakushu ignored me and continued his fight with Isogai.

"That's unfair! I just hope Karma beats you on the honor roll." Isogai smirked at him, making Gakushu infuriated with the ikemen.

I rolled my eyes. An idea popped in my mind and was gently stepping backwards from them. I made my steps soft and unnoticeable so that they won't catch me from escaping.

"Oh? At least I won't get expelled from this school." Gakushu glared at Isogai.

"At least I'm not a jerk who wants everything to be in his control!"

"That's who I am, Mr. Good Boy."

"Then you suck!"

Once I thought my distance was already far from them, I started running away from the school. I didn't look back, since I don't have the guts to do that. Seeing them might just make me go back... and I don't want that. They would definitely argue again.

The both of them noticed that I lost my presence in the place and their call for me was so loud that I heard it even though I was a little far away already.


Even though I should feel guilty for leaving the both of them, a giggle escaped from my lips.


Seems like reader-chan really needs to go home, huh?

I feel bad for Isogai and Gakushu. ;-;


That's all for today my lovely peeps! (⌒▽⌒)☆

See you on my next update.

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Arigato Gozaimasuu~ ^-^

Next Update: Maehara & Reader (Requested)

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