Five Virtuosos & Reader - Argument (Part Two)

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Characters from left to right: Tomoya Seo, Gakushuu Asano, Natsuhiko Koyama, Ren Sakakibara and Araki Teppei.

This part two is requested by InsaneFanficReader08
SavageAnimeFangirl (though you requested a series lolol) (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

Warning: This update is kinda short.


You don't know what you did baby

Made my heart go and take a trip baby

And I can't seem to get of rid of how I'm feeling lately

Everything good don't change it all


Ending of Part 1:

"Ehehehe.... I think that's enough of it. Don't you think? I seriously cannot choose who I like, but may I ask, do you guys have a thing for me?" I tried to laugh it off, so that the atmosphere would get lighter. They actually stopped and faced me, but it was still obvious that they are still battling with each other in their heads.


They replied in chorus, and I was left there, frozen in my place.


"W-W—Wait! W-What? I—I was just kidding!"

Reader's Point of View

"Now that we told our feelings, please choose! This might be a good story in the campus!" Teppei-kun seemed fine if he's going to get chosen or not, that's why Tomoya-kun butted in.

"Excuse me. This 'news' doesn't need to be known by the school." He flipped his purple hair like he was a girl, and it made me release a 'pftt' sound, but waved it off to say that it was just nothing.

"Ehhh? As long as my dearest would choose me, I would be more than grateful to tell the school— and maybe the whole universe— how she picked me." Ren took a seat and leaned his chin on his hand, since his arm was on the arm chair.

"If she was really intelligent, she would now how to decide. The core of the earth knows who is really dominant here." Natsuhiko giggled slightly while fixing his glasses, and this actually made me cringe a little.

This is getting a lot corny than I had expected.

If they were joking me, they would be the best actors that I've known.

This must better be a prank, right?

"Do we really have to repeat this all over again? All Y/N needs is me. Nothing more, nothing less." Gakushuu was already getting annoyed, his purplish violet orbs staring right into my soul.

"You know what? This is argument getting pointless. I treat all of you with equality, so no one will be chosen, okay? You guys are my friends. Stop fighting over something so small." I sighed in defeat, as I was getting tired of this conversation.

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