Maehara & Reader - Practice

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Ne- I've been updating everyday and I'm so proud of it. I'm not sure until when I could maintain this daily updates because of course, author-chan could be busy or out of ideas someday. 

( ˙꒳​˙ )

5/7 of  Tiffany_CakeLady's request (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)

Let's begin, shall we?

Btw, Thank you so much for 500 reads! It's so overwhelming ;-;


We're just playing hide and seek

It's getting hard to breathe under the sheets with you

I don't want to play no games

I'm tired of always chasing, chasing after you  


Reader's Point of View

All of us were outside, the breeze was kind of cold, but nice. It's our P.E. time today and Koro-sensei wants us to join for- I don't know the reason why.

"Minna, because Karasuma-sensei is absent today, we're doing a different kind of P.E. lessons today." Koro-sensei announced at us.

"Then why still P.E.?" Nakamura shouted.

All of the others agreed at her, including me, I guess.

What is he planning today? I sighed.

"We're doing a ball dance." He added.

"EHHHHHHH?!" The others protested and all, but I just couldn't care at all. 

Yeah, I got a little confused at it, but naaaah.

It's not that I'm good at dancing or anything, I'm just not so over acting like them. Lol.

"Here are your partners: Karma-kun & Okuda-san, Nagisa-kun & Kaede-chan, Isogai-kun & Kataoka-san...... Maehara-kun & *Your name*-chan."

My eyes widened in disbelief. What the hell?

I got partnered with a bullshit that I don't even want to talk to.


"Ne- *Your name*-chan, it feels like we're destined." Maehara teased behind my back.

I faced him and gave him an icy cold glare. I'm staring at shit, yes?

"Who told you that I give a shit?" I replied at him.

I thought he was going to frown and leave me alone, but I'm wrong.

His grin widened at my reaction. 

I just sighed at his annoying moves.

"Go to your partner now." Koro-sensei said when he was already finished telling all the partners of our classmates.

I went closer to Maehara who was facing our octopus teacher.

I went beside him and he was smiling at me, teasingly.

Annoying, I thought.

Koro-sensei made us do the thing that some shitty royals do. 

He told us that we need to act like prince and princesses today. Who even needs it?

Maehara held my waist, I put my hand on his shoulders, and our free hands intertwined to each other.

This... is uncomfortable. But, at the same time, I feel quite safe with him.

W-What?! Damn. 

I shoved all the thoughts behind.

He instructed us to move side by side, slow and passionate. Our bodies were moving according to the moves that were taught us.

When we were about to do another move, I suddenly stepped on Maehara's foot, making me blush, the redness was visible on my face.

Blush? What...

"I-I'm sorry." I shyly said. Damn it! What's happening to me?

Maehara was shocked at my sudden facial expression, but then he went back to tease me.

"Woah. You're definitely cute when you blush." He said. 

I thought he was going to tease me?! (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)

It made my face a lot redder than earlier. 

What the hell was I feeling? There were butterflies, load growls on my stomach, making me wonder on what's happening on my system.

I looked up to Maehara because he was taller than me.

I got flustered when he was also looking at me.

"Stop it!" I retorted.

It made Maehara giggle at me. 

The redness on my cheeks just wouldn't fade.

"Do the next step where the girl circles around the boy!" Koro-sensei shouted at us.

It made me go back to my senses and followed the steps.

I was quite doing a good job at it.

But suddenly,

not all good lasts long.

I tripped at something, lost my balance, making me push Maehara, which shocked him.


Alert, Maehara made me in top of him before we fell. 

I was on top of his body, my mind kept reminding me.

It made me blush, harder than all of my blushes.

The others were "Oooh~" & even had the guts to take out their phones. Koro-sensei even wrote at his fucking diary.

But Maehara and I couldn't care less.

It feels like we're the only ones in here.

I'm a little happy with this moment, though.

The redness in my cheek was still visible and Maehara noticed it.

He chuckled at me, again.

"Stay being cute as always, please." He told me, making me flustered again.


Soooooo... what do you think? I'm sorry if it was kind of shorter than my usual one shots. I just don't know how to make it quite more longer. (*μ_μ)

So let's leave the topic of Ansatsu first okay?

It's about Attack on Titan, yeah.

There's just a question in my head.

Is it wrong to ship Levi and Mikasa? Because I couldn't care less of shipping them even though it was somehow confirmed that they are related to each other.

My heart, just keeps beating for the humanity's strongest pair.

  (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) 

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Arigato Gozaimasuuu~ ^-^ 

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