Isogai & Reader - Christmas Gift (Lemon)

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Isogai is so attractive gaah~ ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡

Requested by kana-chan101 !! I'm really sorry if your request took such a long time for me to do, but here it is! ❤️

It's been a long time since I've made an Isogai one shot, but it's my first time to write a lemon about him.

Hoe hoe hoe! ❄️

Warning: This whole one shot contains lemon. If you're not a fan of any sexual things , then skip this update. 🍋


Eyes wide shut and it feels like the first time

Before the rush to my blood was too much and we flatlined

And I know, and I know, and I know, and I know just how this ends

Now I'm all messed up and it feels like the first time


Reader's Point of View

I just don't understand it.

Am I not attractive? Am I not sexy?

Then tell me why Isogai keeps rejecting me when it comes to sexual stuffs?

I know that he respects me, but our relationship had been already too long to even distrust him. We've been a couple for two years already, and all I get are some forehead kisses.


I want him.

The thought of him kissing my neck down to my stomach. I crave him inside me.

"Y/N? Hey, Y/N!" My senses came back when Isogai suddenly waved his hands on my face.

"W-What?" I stuttered at my statement, and my cheeks were blushing madly.

"I told you to get a bath already. We're going to the mall to buy some gifts right?" He said with a deep sigh.

I immediately stood up and went inside the bathroom.

(*''*)╯♡ *Timeskip: Brought to you by Reader-chan getting a shower*

As I was about to step out of the bathroom, I realized something.

I forgot my towel.

Oh shit.

I'm in deep shit.

"I-Isogai? A-Are... you there?" I asked with a bit of hesitation on my voice.

"Yeah, I'm here. What's up?" He talked back, and he lowered the volume of the television to hear me clearly.

"Eto... could you get me my towel? I forgot to take it earlier, I'm so sorry!" My body leaned on the door, waiting for his response.

I heard him stand up, so I thought that he was going to get the towel for me.

After waiting a little, the door opened, making me fall off on the floor.

"KYAAAAH~ H-HOW DARE YOU! PERVERT! COVER YOUR EYES!" Isogai turned his back on me and threw the towel on the floor.

"G-Gomenasai, Y/N! I should have knocked earlier! I didn't know you were at the door!" His voice was obviously flustered, and a light bulb appeared on my head.

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