Nagisa & Reader - Suicidal

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GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS!!! I updated Ruminative's book cover. I hope it looks more presentable than the first one. ^_−☆ (Even though it's kind of obvious that there's something wrong with Karma's head. ;-;)


Seems like ya girl, author-chan went to a yandere freak to a lonely lass in an instant. Well, I'm actually picking the requests that are much easier for me to do.

So, in this update, you'll be the person who's suicidal. Okay?

And one more thing.

To everyone who's feeling depressed right now... always remember that there's that someone who cares for you. No matter how sad life is, just keep fighting. ♡

Enough with the drama, I guess. Let's now start with the one shot!


2/8 of _LazyCake_ 's request.


Self-care isn't always manicures, bubble baths and eating healthy food. Sometimes, it's forcing yourself to get out of bed, take a shower and participate in life again.


Reader's Point of View

"What do you think might happen... if I ended my life?" I whispered to myself as I was in the spot where Karma tricked Koro-sensei. The one where he intentionally dropped himself with no assurance that he would live.

I was there... even though passed months by, I still remember Koro-sensei, Karma and Nagisa being here.

I sighed.

If I jumped off, no one will save me. Not even my teacher.

Don't you think... it will be best if I was not even born?

I am not special to be cared about. I'm not good to be saved. I'm just a little piece of trash in this world that needs to be discarded.

Tears started to form in my eyes, thus blurring my vision.

"It would definitely better if I was dead!" My voice cracked, making my sobs louder.

This pain just wouldn't stop.

"Mom... Dad... don't you think it's time that we would be a happy family again?" I closed my eyes as I felt a cold breeze running through me.

"Don't you think it's time that I should come with you?" I smiled at my ridiculous blurted out thoughts.

I'm pathetic, aren't I?

I looked at my black hoodie that's been covering my wounds that were on my arms. Couldn't stop myself from doing it though.

"I feel so lonely... that it would be so lovely to end my life... right here, right now." My words were so soft, probably tired of even trying to speak.

No one will understand how I feel. No one will sympathize with me. No one cares.

I faced backwards, just like how I saw Karma recklessly making himself fall with his anti-teacher gun.

I grinned at myself, because finally I learned something from that red head.

I closed my eyes, prepared to fall and end this miserable pain that surrounded me for years. A never ending pain will now come to an end.

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