Chapter 19

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Trigger Warnings probably apply idk anymore:
there's a lil sweet moment and there's  s o  m a n y  r e f e r e n c e s .
The Insanely Cool Jared Kleinman's POV
"Are you eating bath-bombs again? Jared, we have talked about this!" My mom scolded.
"So? I'm not hurting anyone!"
"When will you get over this bath-bomb phase?"
"It's not a phase mom!" I slam the door in her face, before I lock the door.
"It's okay Denise." I say, as I pet my purple and blue coloured bath-bomb. I have given every single one of them names.
Just as I was about to eat another bath-bomb, my mom comes into my room looking panicked. She proceeded to tell me Evan had been missing for about 3 days now. I didn't think much of it. I just assumed he ran off into the woods to suck Connor's dick or some shit. I didn't actually get concerned till I went to school the next day, because that's all everyone was talking about. Okay, I know like I seem like a selfish asshole who doesn't care about Evan. But I do. I can get extremely protective over him. If anyone ever tried to hurt him, I would personally rip off their balls and feed it to my cat who I named Greg. Yes, I named my cat after the Good Guy Greg meme.
Anyways, everyone at school is talking about Evan which is weird., because if you stop and think about it this is the best thing that's ever happened to him. I mean without him going missing nobody would even know who he is. He's almost popular which is just miracles or miracles.
He's viral. Everyone is trying is to find him. He's basically an internet celebrity, because right now that's all everyone shares on their Facebook walls or tweet about.
That shit spreads like fucking HPV. He can't keep running and hiding for long. They will eventually find him. The only way he can get out of it is if he kills himself or changes his name. Even then it's not fool proof.
You are fucked dude. Honestly, nobody gives a shit about you until you get raped or killed. I know how Evan feels. I already know what it's like to be the loser. Well, I wouldn't call myself popular or anything, but I have a decent amount of friends. Other than that, everyone ignores me and I don't fit in with the cliques.
"-...Evan probably got killed by his psycho boyfriend."
"He probably couldn't handle the stress of dating a psychopath."
"I heard he killed himself and the police are just trying to cover it up."
"The fucking freak had it coming."
"His moms doesn't even know enough about her son to help."
I've heard everything they've been saying about Evan, all the rumours. Everything. I don't know what happened but Connor probably had something to do about it. I mean he's bat-shit crazy! It's not that hard to believe that he got pissed at Evan, than took him into the woods, raped than killed him! Okay, unlikely. If Connor did kill him they'd probably already find his body and evidence to link him to the crime. Shit. Where is he?
"His mom doesn't even know enough about her son to help." Kurt Kelly commented, laughing with his friends.
I don't know why I decided to this, but I take my glasses off and tuck them into my pocket. I walk over to them, my face scrunched up, in an attempt to look tough.  They glance over at me, laughs slowly starting dying down on their lips.
"Listen up dick-head. Don't fuck with Evan." I growled, gritting my teeth, I slowly took two steps closer to them.
"Talk shit about him again and you will very sorry." I have no idea if my tough persona intimidated them at all, but before they had the chance to bully me or say anything, I sprint down the hallway.
"Jared!" Ram called out, catching up to me at the stairs. "Why'd you do that? You don't have to be friends with that retard if you don't want to be, ya know?"
I immediately knew I was going to regret the next decision I was about to make. I didn't care because I was confident as fuck right now and nobody is gonna bring me down. I clenched a tight fist, resting  my thumb on top of my knuckle. I raised my right arm up to my temple and swung at him. Hitting him right in the jaw. His eyes widened for a second, he stumbled backwards before falling on his back. My ass didn't feel like getting beat up today, so I ran away. Again.
I noticed I gotten some of his blood on my knuckle, so i wiped it off on the side of my jeans. Damn. I punched him hard enough to draw blood?! I'm fucking badass.
"Jared Kleinman. Please report to the principals office."
Of course this pussy decided to tattle on me! Less than ten minutes later, they're calling me down to the office.
I sat through a long-ass boring lecture from the principal, which I wasn't even listening too. He was drilling me so fucking hard, I swear he was acting like I just committed a murder! 
"This being your first infraction doesn't reduce the severity of the crime. What are you motives?"
"He's spreading rumours about Evan." I spoke, truthfully. I rolled my eyes at this fat son of a bitch, sinking lower into my seat.
"I see where you are coming from, but in no way was it right to strike a student." 
"He called him a fucking retard!" I sat up in my seat abruptly, getting more and more pissed off at this fucker.
"I am not saying what Ram did was right either and he will be dealt with appropriately as well. So, I've decided both of you will be suspended for a week."
Fuck. I can't get suspended again! My parents will stop paying for my car insurance or even worse, take away my bath-bombs. Well, I'll just lie about it! Make myself seem innocent, and the principals the crazy one! Half the shit I tell my parents isn't true anyway and they have no idea.
"I have called your mother to come collect you. You may go gather your things from your locker."
I opened my locker, grabbing my shit throwing it into my bag, not really giving a shit.
"Hey fuck-face." I slammed my locker shut and turned around to see Connor.
"What do you want Dick-weed?" I took my glasses out of my pocket and wiped the lenses off my sleeve.
"I heard you punched Ram and got suspended?" He spoke smoothly, leaning up against my locker. 
"Yeah.." I  put my glasses back on, blinked a couple of times allowing my eyes to adjust.
"Why'd you do it?" He asked, tucking a strand of loose hair behind his ear
"I don't know."
"Liar. I bet he said something about me or Evan right?"
Is this dude a physic?
"Yeah. Uh. So, do you know anything about the whole Evan thing?"
"All I know is that he ran away. They literally haven't told me fuck-all."
"Well, I have to go now.." I spoke quickly, desperately trying to end this awkward conversation. I did some awkward finger guns with my hands, which caused Connor to huff in annoyance.

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