Chapter 1

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Evan's POV

I walked to school which was only about 15 minutes. I don't like driving even though I technically can. I'm scared of crashing.

"Is it weird to be the first person in History to break their arm from jacking off too much?"

Came a voice from behind me the voice made me jump and I turned around and I was met with a familiar face.

Jared Kleinmen. My only friend or family friend as he says we are.

"Wait what? I wasn't... um doing that..."

"Paint me the picture you're in your room you've got Zoe Murphy's Instagram pulled up on your off brand cellphone.."

"That's not what happened!! I was climbing a tree and I fell.. so.."

"You fell out of a tree?" He looked at me making sure I was serious. I nodded quickly.

"What are you like an acorn?"

"Well it's a funny story actually.. There was a solid ten minutes where I just laid there waiting for someone to come and get me."

"Did they?"

"Nope. Nobody came. That's what um that's what's funny..." I rambled on forcing a laugh.

"Jesus Christ.."

Jared turned to leave.

"Do you wanna sign my cast?" I blurted out.

"Why are you asking me?"

"Well because I thought we were.. friends.."

"We're family friends. That's like a whole different thing and you know it." He punched my right arm playfully.

"Hey Connor loving the new hair length very 'School Shooter Chic'

I looked over and I saw the boy wearing all black with long curly hair. I recognized him immediately. Everyone knew him. Connor Murphy. The kid who threw a printer at Mrs G in the second grade. Zoe Murphy's older brother.

Connor stopped walking and shot a withering glare at Jared.

"I was just kidding.. It was a joke.." Jared said nervously taking a few steps back.

Connor took a step towards Jared.

"Yeah no it was funny. I'm laughing can't you tell? AM I NOT LAUGHING  HARD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!"

"You're such a freak!"

Jared laughed nervously before racing off.

Connor turned towards me and locked eyes with me. His eyes scary and intimidating.

But if you ignored that, they were the prettiest set of us I had ever seen. One eye was blue and the other eye was half brown and blue.

I let out a nervous uncomfortable laugh as he got closer to me.

"What the fuck are you laughing at?" He snapped at me.


"Stop fucking laughing at me! You think I'm a freak?!"

"No I don-"

"I'm not the freak! You're the fucking freak!" He shoved me into the wall causing me to land on my broken arm as he stormed off. I don't think that anger was intended for me. I think it was meant for Jared, and he just took his anger out on the first person he saw. Who just happened to be me.

"Hey  I'm sorry about my brother. I saw him push you. He's a psychopath right?" Zoe said approaching me. She held out her hand offering it to me. I wiped my hand off on my pants and took it as she pulled me up. Her hand was warm and soft.

Falling In A Forest (DISCONTINUED) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें