Chapter 13

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Trigger warning.
Connor's POV.
I hated history class.
It was probably the most useless subject ever. I don't understand why I have to know about a bunch of dead guys and what they did over a hundred years ago. Growing bored of the lesson, I hold my pencil between my forefinger and thumb and tap it against the table. Somebody poked me in me in the back, I choose to ignore it only earning another tap from the person. This time I brushed the persons hand away. Finally the person jabbed their finger into my side causing me to growl in annoyance.
"What do you want-.." I whisper yelled, stopping when I realized it was Evan. He had taken a seat behind me instead of beside me like he normally did.
"Y-you should s-start really pay attention. W-we have to do a b-big project on it."
"I don't really give a fuck about the project," I responded, bluntly.
"W-well I do, a-and we n-need a g-good grade to p-pass!"
"So? You can get one easily without my help." I wasn't trying to be a dick, I was just being honest.
"No, he'll know I-I did all the w-work and take m-marks off!" Evan defended.
"Boys! Don't you know it's rude to talk during a lesson?" Mr Reyes crossed his arms in front of his chest, before shooting us a glare.
"Don't you know it's rude to interrupt a conversation?" I sassed, raising my eyebrows mockingly at the teacher, while his face grew red in anger.
It's no secret that most teachers despise me. I have a tendency to rile teachers up with my quick comebacks and rude comments. 
"We've been over the rules multiple times. You should know that."
"I wouldn't talk if you're lesson wasn't so fucking boring." I snapped, rolling my eyes at him.
"Well, that's not my problem.." Mr Reyes sighs, rubbing his bald head in annoyance.
"Why are you so pissed? It's not my fault your wife left you for a lesbian."
"That's it! Go to the principal's office." He roars, nobody laughs nobody snickers like they usually do when teachers yell.
They don't do it because they're afraid of me, they're afraid that I'll beat them up. Or worse. Kill them.
Everyone knows I have a hit list. That's why some people fake being nice to me, because they don't want to end up on it. 
Grabbing my bag off my chair, I carelessly throw it over my left shoulder and approach the door. Right before I exit the room I stop. I turned towards Mr.Reyes and flipped him off. Than I proceeded to leave the classroom.
Of course I wasn't actually going to the office, I was going to smoke in the bathroom like I always did.
I haven't smokes in a few days, and it was really driving my crazy. Evan hated it when I smoked, so I was trying to quit for his sake. Unfortunately, it was one of the only ways I could calm myself down. I'll admit it- I'm addicted, but not just to cigarettes. Weed, alcohol, antidepressants. They numb the pain. We're all gonna die of something. Since I can't even successfully kill my self, I use drugs instead. I don't even care that they are slowly killing me. I've just accepted my death.
I enter the bathroom, scanning the environment making sure it's completely empty. Quickly I rush into the first stall I see and lock it. I pulled a cigarette and a lighter out of my pocket. I was really craving weed right now but I wasn't stupid enough to smoke weed at school. That was like asking to get caught. Holding the cigarette in between my teeth, I flick my lighter, growing agitated when it doesn't work for the millionth time. Finally my lighter decides to work, I cup my hands around the flame and allow the filter to catch on fire. I inhaled the smoke allowing it to full up my lungs with the harmful fumes, I held the smoke into my mouth for a moment before exhaling. The smoke falls from my lips and I watch as the cloud slowly disappears into thin air.
The cigarette grew smaller and smaller until it was too small to smoke, I threw it on the ground and crushed it with my boot.
"Connor Murphy, please report the principal's office immediately." The secretary announced over the loud speaker.
There was no use fighting it, I knew I was probably going to get suspended again. Only my third time this year.
"Do you know why you are you here?" The principal asked, pushing her glasses up higher on her face.
"I cussed out a teacher, nothing new." I shrugged, sinking lower into my seat.
"We have been over this many times, you are very similar with the school policy. So I-.."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've heard this lecture before." I interrupted, cutting her off.
"I think your punishment should just be a week of after school detention."
"Just suspended me." I pulled my hood up and allowed my hair to fall in front of my left eye.
"Are you sure? I-..""
"Just. Suspend. Me." I repeated, a bit louder this time.
"Very well. Collect your things and wait outside my office until one of your parents arrive."

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