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Evan's POV

I reach up and start climbing the tallest oak tree I could find. One branch after the other. One foot after the other. I keep climbing higher and higher. The blinding sun shined on my face. I looked down at the world below me. I had to be at least 40 feet high. Maybe I should just let go. I closed my eyes gripping onto the branch tightly.

'It's okay it'll all be over soon' I told my self repeatedly. I took a deep breath and let go.

I closed my eyes tightly letting myself fall.

Pain. All I felt was pain. Why was I still alive? I open my eyes and look around. All I see is sky and the tree I had just fallen out of.

Stupid. I can't even kill myself properly.

The pain shoots through my left arm and I wince at the pain. I laid there for what seemed like hours waiting for someone to come and get me.

'Any second now' I keep saying to myself.

'Any second now. Here they come.'

Nobody came.

My arm had gone numb. Forcing myself off the ground I started to walk home.

When I got home my mom was waiting for me. Freaking out she took me to the hospital.

I broke my arm in three different places in my arm. The doctors told me I would need to wear a cast for 6 to 8 weeks.

*Time skip*

My therapist told me writing a letter to myself everyday would help me with my anxiety.

I pulled out my laptop and started writing like I did every morning.

'Today's going to be an amazing day, and here's why.

Because - because today, all you have to do is just, be yourself

But also confident that's important and interesting, like easy to talk to, approachable.

But mostly be yourself  that's number one, be yourself.

Just be true to yourself.

Also but don't worry whether your hands are going to get sweaty for no reason, you can't make it stop no matter what you do,

because they're not gonna get sweaty so I don't know why you're bringing it up because it's not gonna happen because all you have to do is just be yourself.

Don't even worry about it, seriously, because it's not like - it's it's not gonna be like that time when you had the perfect chance to introduce yourself to Zoe Murphy at the jazz bad concert last year,

when you waited afterwards just to talk to her and tell her how good she was and - and you were gonna pretend to be super casual like you didn't even know her name.

Like she would introduce herself and then you'd be like, "I'm sorry I didn't hear you, Chloe you said your name was Chloe?" And then she'd be like, "No it's Zoe, I said Zoe."

And then you'd be like "Oh see I thought you said Chloe 'cause I'm just very busy with other stuff right now." Or something. You didn't even end up saying anything to her anyways because you were scared that your hands were sweaty which,

they weren't that sweaty until you started worrying that they were sweaty which made them sweaty so you put them under the hand dryer in the bathroom and then they were still sweaty they were just very warm now, as well.'

My light turned on and my mom walked into the room.

"So you decided not to eat last night?" She said holding the twenty dollar bill in her hand.

I quickly shut my laptop.

"Oh I'm um I wasn't hungry..."

"You're a senior in high school Evan. You need to be able to order dinner for yourself if I am at work. You can do it all online now! You don't even have talk on the phone!"

"Okay but you see that's not true actually.. You have to talk to the delivery person when they come to the door. You have to stand there while they make change. It's silent and they're counting the change and.."

"This is what you're supposed to be working on Evan with Dr Sherman?" Mom said cutting me off.

"Talking to people. Not running away from people. Anyways have you been writing those letters to yourself?"

"Um yeah I started one I'll finish it at school.."

"Those letters are important. They're gonna help you build your confidence! I have to go now sweetie. I won't be home for dinner tonight. Bye sweetie!" She said quickly rushing out the door.

Zoe's POV

                                                  * Murphy house*

Connor was fighting with Mom as usual.

"It's your senior Connor you are not missing the first day!"

"I already said I'd go tomorrow..." He said trying to compromise.

"Are you going to help Larry or are you too busy with your emails?" Mom hollered.

Dad didn't bother to look up and but responded anyway.

"You have to go to school Connor."

Mom shot him a glare in response. He responded in annoyance .

"What do you want me to say? He doesn't listen he's probably high!" Connor put his head on the table.

"He's definitely high." I chimed in.

"Fuck you!" Connor yelled abruptly getting up.

"Fuck you too!"

"I don't need you picking on your brother Zoe. Besides he's not high." She looked at Connor as if to  confirm. He shrugged and looked away from her. She let out a sigh.

"I don't want you going to school high Connor."

"Perfect than I won't go! Thanks mom!"

I grabbed the milk carton to pour myself more milk. I shook the carton and groaned annoyed.

"Mom Connor finished the milk!"

Hey so this is the first chapter of 'Falling in the forest '
This is my first fanfiction so I apologize if it's not very good. I've never written anything like this.

It will follow the plot of the original only difference is Connor isn't dead.
Most of the first and second chapter will be dialogue from the first couple scenes of the show and they're fairly long too. Also the cover art doesn't belong to me.
Oh and this will be a TreeBro fic! I'll try and get the second chapter out today.

Word Count: 914

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