Chapter 6

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Evan's POV
Tonight was amazing. I just had my first kiss with Connor Freaking Murphy.
I've never kissed anyone before!
"The sunset is so beautiful..."  I told him.
"Just like you." He said in response.
Everything just happened so fast! One minute we're just watching the sunset, the next we're completely making out. 
It took me a couple of seconds to get use to the feeling, and y'know actually kiss him back. The kiss was small at first, than it grew bigger, and more intense. My fingers were tangled in his hair, maybe it was the setting, maybe it was the tension between us, but that kiss was perfect. The sun was setting, the world glowed in dark shades of reds and purples.
It was relatively quiet, the occasional sound of wind cars or birds in the distance.
It took me a second to process everything, I didn't even believe it actually happened at first! I thought it was like some surreal dream or something.
I guess I finally snapped back into reality and realized that this wasn't a dream, this was real life.
I decided to tell Connor how I felt about him, and I was beyond thrilled Connor felt the same way.
My heart was racing my palms were sweating.
"Connor I think I'm in love with you." I confessed in that moment.
"I think I am too." He replied back.
In that moment nothing else mattered, nobody else mattered, expect for Connor.
Connor's POV
              *Next morning*
I felt the warm sunlight hit my face, I stretched myself out on the soft mattress beneath me. I opened my eyes and I looked around, I started to panic for a second not knowing where I was. The memories from yesterday flooded back, and I remembered Evan asked me to stay the night. I calmed down and closed my eyes again.
I went to roll over but I felt something next to me, curiously I opened one eye and looked to my left.
Evan was curled up in a tiny ball cuddling my side, I carefully  scooped the smaller boy up, and I watched as he snuggled into my chest for warmth. I sat up now resting against the headboard, Evan still curled up next to me.
'Might as well Wake n Bake.."
I scrambled through my pockets searching for my pack of cigarettes. I took one out of the pack and stuck it in my mouth, I lit the end on fire with my lighter, which was pretty hard to do one handed. Satisfied. I shoved the lighter back in my pocket, starting to get bored I fished my phone out of my pocket.
'Wonder how many miss calls I have.'
I hit the home button, allowing my phone to light up.

                                                          26 Missed Calls from Mom and DickHole
                                                      5 texts from Mom Zoe and DickHole.
                                         Mom: "Will you be coming home tonight?" 9:24 PM
                                     Mom: "Connor will you be home by curfew?" 9:49 PM
                                 Zoe: Connor come home mom thinks you're dead. 10:36
                         DickHole: "Connor Murphy! You can ignore me all you want." 11:56 PM
                           DickHole:  But you will pay the price when you get home. 11:57 PM

'Wish I didn't check my messages.' I groaned and threw my phone into an oblivion.
I glanced over at Evan, who was still sound asleep. I was bored but I didn't want to wake him up, he just looked so peaceful. After a few minutes of watching him, I watched as his eyes fluttered open.
"Hi..." He said slowly sitting up, rubbing his eyes.
"Sorry I fell asleep on you.."
"You don't have to apologize Ev. Really it's fine."
"I-I has fun yesterday.."
"I did too." I replied genuinely.
Than there was a brief silence between us.
"Sorry. I can see you're not wide awake as me."
"C-can we cuddle?" He asked shyly, I laughed at his shyness.
"Of course."
I laid down and allowed him to snuggle up next to me. It was like trying to cuddle a puppy, we both shifted around till we were comfortable
He snuggled up against me, chest to chest, I felt his heartbeat against my chest, slow and steady.
"Can I stay in your arms for forever?"
"Of course you can, Tree Boy." I smiled blushing at the nickname he had given me.
"What time is it?"
I shrugged and reached for my phone I threw on the floor earlier.
"I like Sunday mornings."
"It's Monday." I replied matter-of-factly.
"HECK! I'm late for school." He panicked jumping out of the bed.
I sat up and looked over at him.
"Woah. Breath TreeBoy. Just ditch with me."
"B-but ditching school is bad.."
"School ends in like two hours, besides is Calculus even that important?"
"I- I guess not... B-but what if I get in trouble tomorrow?"
Why was missing school such a big deal? I mean I do it almost everyday.
"Evan. Stop freaking out. Be more chill."
"B-be more chill?" He repeated.
"Mhm. Anyways if anyone asks just say you were sick, and like throwing up blood or some shit."
"T-that's disgusting Connor.,"
I watched as Evan's phone lit up, signifying someone was calling him. Curious I glanced down at the name.
'The Insanely Cool Jared Kleinman'
Evan went to answer the phone but I snatched it away from him.
"Don't answer it."
"Because he's a dick! I want to cut his balls off and choke him to death!" Evan jumped up and down trying to grab his phone from me with no avail.
It was pretty  hilarious actually, given I'm 6' and he's 5'9.
"Please Connie!" He pleaded.
I dropped the phone letting it fall to the ground, Evan literally dove for it, like it was told or something.
Jared was very persistent, he kept calling nonstop until Evan answered him.
"Why did it take you so long to answer? Were you jacking off to Zoe Murphy again?"
Why would Jared say that about my sister? Did Evan like her or something? Than I remembered the first day me and Evan met, the letter Evan was writing in the computer lab.
'Know because there's Zoe, and all my hope is pinned on Zoe, who I don't even know, and doesn't know me. Maybe if I could just talk to her. Maybe nothing would be different at all. I wish everything was different'
Did Evan lie when he told me he loved me last night?
"Ah! T-that's not what I was doing..."
"Than what were you doing or who?"
"Ahh I'm with Connor..." Hearing my name snapped me out of my thoughts, I noticed Evan seemed very shy, and almost uncomfortable talking to Jared.
"What did I tell you about hanging out with the school shooter Evan?"
I snatched the phone out of Evan's hands, and started yelling at Jared.
"Fuck off Kleinman."
"Or what?"
"I'll come over there and beat the fucking shit out of you."
"Woah...It was just a joke."
"That's exactly what you said last time. Now fuck off and leave me alone."
"Whatever Murphy, just don't get Evan high or anything, or my parents won't pay for my car insurance."
I hate Jared so much. I feel bad for Evan because he thinks that loser is his friend, when Jared is only friends with him, so his parents will pay for his car insurance.
"And Evan? I-"
Before Kleinman could get another word out of his fucking mouth, I hung up on him. My mind went back to what I was thinking about before Jared pissed me off.
'Connor just ask Evan about it.' The logical side of my brain told me. Of course I didn't listen to the logical side of my brain, because when did I ever? I decided flipping out on Evan would be better.
"What the fuck Evan?"
"What?" He said taken back but my response.
"What did Kleinman mean when he said that shit about my sister?!"
"He was just joking! He says stuff like that all the time." Evan argued trying to stick up for himself.
"What about the note I found when we first met?"
"I told you it was a assignment from my therapist and-"
"No," I said, cutting him off. "That doesn't explain the shit you said about my sister!"
"Did you lie when you said you loved me last night?!"
"No of course not! I meant what I said." He said frantically.
"I mean, I don't even know if you love me! You think you do, which means that you're not sure!"
"How presumptuous can i get? I mean I don't even know if we're like "dating officially" or whatever!!"
"Evan!" I repeated this time louder and more firm, it scared him a bit but it got his attention.
"I'm sorry for freaking out on you, without knowing what actually happened..." I apologized.
He didn't say anything in response, but he dove into my arms for a hug, I wrapped my arms around him, and let him hide in my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair, which seem to be effective in calming him down.
I'll have to remember that.
I honestly was never a very affection person, until I met Evan. I let him hug and kiss me, I've never let anyone else do that to me.
"I still love you." He mumbled.
I was silent for a long time before I responded.
"I love you too."
"I know Con. I believe you."

Honestly nothing happened in the chapter, expect for fluff. I think this chapter helps build their relationship more. Also I, proud of myself I got two chapters out in one day. The last chapter took me about two hours and this one took me about 3 or 4 oof. I'll try and have another chapter out soon
Lmao nobody's even reading this
Word count: 1600

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