Chapter 15

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Connor's POV
This is bad. Like really bad. Micheal said it was our secret and he wouldn't tell anyone. How do you tell your boyfriend you cheated on him?? Simple. You don't. I'll just keep lying for now. I'm not ready to confess yet. 
Beep Beep
My phone vibrated in my pocket, I fished it out and unlocked my phone. There was several messages from an unknown number.
Unknown: I know what you did last night.
Unknown: You hooked up with Micheal Mell
Connor: what are you talking about?
Unknown: I know everything and I will expose you.
Unknown: Unless the price is right..
Unknown: If not I'm telling your boyfriend.
Why are the blackmailing me? Not knowing what else to do, I blocked the number and hoped they were just bullshitting me. Who found out? I deleted the messages off my phone, lost in thought. Desperately trying to figure out who this person was.
Rich was the one who was blackmailing me. It was only a matter of time before he approached me, he doesn't care about me. He just wants his money. So, for the next couple of weeks, I'd give him the money I requested and he stayed silent.
But you can only give people so much before they back-stab you. He told him. I gave him all the money and he fucking told him. This is all my fault. I knew I shouldn't have done it. I can't blame the things I did on pot.
Buzz Buzz
Treeboi: Come over.
Shitshitshitshit. I'm ruined. He fucking knows. Kiss him goodbye. People like us shouldn't be together. This isn't a fanfiction or a Disney movie. This was real life. The first time we had a proper conversation, I saw Zoe's name in has note and  immediately become defensive. I fell in love with him too quickly. We barley even knew each other when we started dating, Our relationship from any outsider probably seems toxic, even abusive in some ways.
I raced to his place using my spare key to unlock his door, as I entered his room I quickly noticed his room was completely trashed. Sheets thrown off the bed, book shelf knocked over, he turned around and acknowledged my existence. Shit.
He screamed, "How could you?!" in my face. I don't think I've ever seen him this upset before. He was half- dressed. A mess, he looked pathetic. I did this to him, I'm such a fuck-up.
"I didn't know any better...I wasn't thinking-.."
"That's not a worthy explanation. Nothing can make sense of all these things you've done."
The situation is helpless, there is nowhere I can go, trapped. I'm trapped.
"I'm done. We're done."
Silence. Words failed me. There's nothing I could say to make it better.
"I want you."
"I want you too," For a split second I had hope. "Wait no! I want an apology. You treat me like royalty, than you blow me off to screw Jeremy's boyfriend?"
The sound of silence was violent, it was almost sickening. I hated it more than I hated myself, which is saying a lot.
"Is it really that hard to say?"
I love you. Those are the words I had to utter, it didn't seem right though. I wanted to say those three words and eight letters, but my mouth wouldn't let me.
"Yes! Come on Evan! It's just a word!"
"It's a gesture! Gestures matter." He mocked my tone of voice.
"I need you. You're the reason I'm not fucking dead."
"Yeah, and I need an apology." He wasn't going to budge. He stood firmly on the ground with his arms folded across his chest.
"I'm sorry!" I forced myself to spit out.
"Say the three words and eight letters."
"I love you."
"You know what, Connor? I used to believe you when you said that."
                                     *Timeskip three days later*
Just like that he was gone. Would I ever see him again? Everyone was worried about him. Nobody has seen him since we broke up. Did he do something stupid? Already dead or bleeding? I was completely panicking and failing to explain to Evan why I did what I did. I tried to text Evan multiple apologies, but they were all filled with typos because my hands won't stop shaking. My nails were bitten down to the nub. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. All I could think about with Evan.
Evan's POV
I'm running full force out of this hell hole. Where was I going? I had no idea. The only thing I bothered to take with me is my backpack, which just had clothes, food and cash in it. How did I get this cash? Well, I did something I'm not too proud of. I took the money my mom had left for me in case of emergencies, which was probably around 500 dollars.
I knew that money wouldn't last long and it would run out fast, that was a problem I decided I'd deal with when the time came. I was more focused on getting out of here. Ideally I could just take my mom's second car, but that wouldn't work for two reasons. One: Police will trace the plates and probably find me and Two: I'm petrified of driving. I was smart enough to not take my phone because I knew they could also trade that. I really didn't want to get caught, I'd be in so much trouble!  So, I used my student ID to get on the bus for free, I got on three or four buses and rode till they kicked me off.  I ended up in a small town in New Jersey. Since I ran away I've been seeing myself on the news reported as a missing person. It would only be a matter of time before someone recognized me as a missing person. I had to change my appearance. I purchased a box of brown hair-dye, green contacts, and a baggy black hoodie, which was two sizes too big for me but they only had one size. I sat in a public bathroom over the sink, gripping a pair of scissors in my hand.
Snip snip.
I watched the strands of blonde hair fall into the sink, I continued cutting until my hair was the desired length.
Re-reading the directions of the dye several times, I finally got the courage to colour my hair.
Mom always wanted me to have brown hair.
I mixed together the chemicals into the bowl and began painting my head with the thick substance. Once my entire head was coated, I let it sit for the recommended amount of time, before leaning over the sink and attempting to wish the dye out. I ditched my blue polo for my new hoodie and put my contacts in. I didn't even recognize myself.
I looked similar to Connor. No. Move on Evan. He doesn't love you. Carefully, I cleaned up any evidence remaining and exited the bathroom.
This is going to be interesting...

Word Count: 1177

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