You were up and out of bed as soon as you heard the first whimper, usually a sign that it would eventually escalate into a cry. Crossing the room in just a few shirt steps, you stood at the side of the crib and reached down to carefully pick up your small son. Amazingly, once the tiny infant was safely cradled against his father's muscled chest, he immediately stopped crying.

A small chuckle escaped from your mouth. "So, that's why you woke me up, and nearly woke your mother too. You just wanted a cuddle with your father, huh?" You said. Although the boy did not answer, you could swear by your Emperor that you saw a small smile tug at the edge of your son's mouth.

Sighing contently, you walked over to the window, gently rocking your son while you did so. Gazing out at the black night sky and the stars that managed to shine through it, you spoke softly to your child. "You know Segen, a few millenia ago, the stars seemed so far away, so unreachable to my people. Then we managed to break free from our homeworld and we started to explore them. Sometimes we did not like what we found." You stopped speaking as you were suddenly reminded of the horrors of the war against the Quawers, the terror of the Niktacha, the sadness over the loss of so many of your comrades. Little Segen seemed to notice the downturn in his father's demeanour. He reached out with his tiny fist, touching your chest. That little contact was enough to bring you back and you smiled again.

"But that doesn't make the universe any less of an interesting, fascinating and beautiful place to be." You continued speaking. You looked down at Segen. "I can't help but wonder what sort of mark you will make in this world." Segen obviously found the question funny, because he started giggling, and that caused you to start chuckling as well.

From the bed, a weary Annie had awoken and managed to watch and listen to the heart-warming moment between father and son. And all she could do was smile.


Annie and you stood on the beach, at the very edge of the water. It was low tide, so there were no big waves to be seen, but the water did lap over their feet. Annie wore a yellow sundress, and you had on a simple white T-shirt and shorts. You had your arm around her, and both of you gazed out over the ocean, watching the sun make it's slow descent beneath the waves.

Annie sighed happily, the wind blowing her hair across her face. "I wish we could stay like this forever. Nothing to worry about very peaceful and relaxing." she said.

You chuckled. "Yes, i wish the same." You gently kissed Annie on her temple.

Annie sighed in happiness. "What did I do to deserve you?" she said with a smile.

"Hey, every day, I ask myself what did I do to deserve you?" You wittingly retorted.

"I think it might have something to do with the fact that you saved me over and over again." Annie replied lightly, wrapping her arms around the your neck.

"Maybe you are right." You responded, sliding your arms around her waist, and drawing her closer. You leaned down and gently kissed her on the lips. "Anyway, I've been doing some thinking."

"Should I be concerned?" Annie joked.

You simply smiled and laughed. "No, no, you shouldn't. But I do want to ask you an important question." Annie raised her eyebrows, in both confusion and anticipation.

You began. "Annie, How would you react if i disappear from your life without any trace." Annie stopped smiling and took a step back, still holding your hands in her own. " What do you mean by that ?!" She questioned.

Shattered Pieces  (Annie Leonhardt X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now