Chapter 14: Love and Revenge 2/2

Start from the beginning

  "I think I'm ready you two. You've got two minutes to get back to class before someone finds out about this. Good luck," She picked up her bag, turning on the television. The screen was blank at first but then she saw the video on the screen. The nearby computer started up and that too played the video. The sound streamed through the surround sond speakers of the television.

They had suceeded.

 She looked at the screen on last time laughing to herself, picking up the phone and dialling his cell nuumber. He picked up immediately. "Hello lover," She greeted him opening a bottle of o.j sipping it laughing when it came to her favorite part, a video she'd taken of him for insurance a while back when he started getting twitchy. He admitted on camera that he was using steroids to perform better.... it didn't help that he was high as a kite with a joint in his hand.

 "Alice...where are you?" He asked scared.

"At your house. Where else would I be. Do you like your expose. I think it suits you well," She laughed saluting the television as it came to the point where he was drunk at a party. Kiko had filmed this part at the Senior Ditch Day when he had smuggled beer at the beach. That and a bunch of other naracotics. He couldn't keep his mouth shut when he was was priceless beyond words.

 "Why are you doing this?"

She smirked, knowing he was pretending to be stupid. "Check your phone... oh you should get home, I heard there was something burning on your lawn," She hung up pouring the remnants of her orange juice onto the floor in front of the door in a puddle. He'd be the first to get home and would be her only victim.

She hoped he broke his neck..

 She found the lighter in her bag and set the contents on the trashcan on fire. It erupted into a giant fireball All that was visible was the orange of the flames and the glitter sign which she had made. It read...


"Ready to go now Misses?" Davies asked as she got into the car. She nodded laughing as she watched the flames as she drove off. He hopefully would learn his lesson... he would never mess with her again.


Much later, Alice sat watching Oliver shoveling hay. "I want to help," She leaped off her perch, gasping when he caught her in midair. The more she watched him, the more useless she was feeling. 

 "You just came from getting chemo two days ago, I'm not taking any chances that you get another spell," He set her down on her feet. She moved past him grabbing a shovel, giggling as he grabbed her. "One haul then you're sitting until I come get you," She smiled victoriously as he helped her, taking most of the pressure off her.

 "I'm doing it!" She squealed, as they worked together. Things like this made her regret their difference in backgrounds. After all, she had a bloody hotel named after her and never worried about finances. Her parents were loaded but had raised her well, not letting her depend on money and her family name. Oliver's family on the other hand preferred the simple life, living  away from the city and working on their farm. It looked like Ollie enjoyed it.

 She could think about leaving it all behind for him..

 She reached down and sat cross legged in the hay,  and threw some in his direction. He laughed and grabbed a handful and blew it over her. This time of her life was about enjoying the small pleasures of life, hay fights and sitting together on their swing until they could count the stars.  Shadows fell over them and she felt immense fear. She looked up an angry bunch of guys. members of the football team.

 "Do you know that your boy got expelled because of you... That he lost his scholarship because of you...That he's grounded for life because of you... And you sit here with the charity geek playing in the hay. Have you become that low Alice. I used to like you...but now you're dying, you're acting like a completely different person from who you were," The words hurt but she tried to shrug them off. She tried to get to her feet but felt weak. Her attempt was noticed and they burst into laughter. Oliver came to the rescue and helped her up, wrapping his arm around her to support her weight.

  "You can't stand up on your're pathetic," They hissed. The guys surrounded them, closing them in. There was no escape.

  "Watch it bro," Oliver was growing angrier from the second. She could feel it.

 "You've got a wuss protecting you now Alice?"

 Oliver charged at them and one of them got the first blow in, from that moment they attacked the man she loved, despite her screaming for them to stop. Her voice grew hoarse and in the distance she could see a lone figure appearing.


"I'm not going to help you Alice," Her ex Dylan came into the light as one of the guys stomped Oliver. She heard his arm break and screamed. Dylan smiled evily running his finger along her cheek. His eyes were void of life or emotion as he caressed her cheek.

"You're much too frail for my liking now. You're practically skin and bones. That's why I'm going to ruin the rest of your miserable life the same why you ruined mine," Oliver was bleeding but their eyes clung. They were going to kill him if she didn't do something to protect him. 

How could she go against a group of twelve football players...

  "I love you," She said even though it wasn't to the one in front of her, the one she claimed to love.

"So sweet...and I'm flattered,"

 She shook her head no and tried to pull away but he held her so tight that it hurt her bones. 

"I don't mean you,"

 She kicked him in the groin running over to Oliver, pushing the guys aside heariing them heckle the both of them. "Stop it,"

"Or what?" They hissed watching as she kissed Oliver's forehead.

She stood defiantely, finding her strength and slapped the closest one, the one who had broken Oliver's arm.

  She didn't predict the reflex action. He slapped her so hard that she lost her balance falling back onto the boarded floor, hitting her head ,her breathing shallow.

She had to rest...

She closed her eyes, once again hearing only the sweet sound of silence.

(What do you think.Vomment plz)

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