Chapter 79: I Believe That We All Fall Down Sometimes

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"Homework first. There's apples on the table for you. I'll call grandpa." They nodded and ran off to the table. I grabbed the phone and dialed Andy's number, leaning over the kitchen counter, watching the boys as they got their homework out of their backpacks.


"Hey Andy."

"Oh, hey Alex."

"The boys wanted to know if they could come over."

"Of course! I love them!"

"Great, I told them after they finish their homework, so I'll bring them over in an hour?"

"Sounds good, see ya Alex."

"Bye Andy." I said and hung up.

"Mom! I need help!" Eddie said and I walked over to the table.


An hour later, I drove the boys over to Andy's house, getting out of the car and walking them up to the door. I knocked and Andy opened the door a few seconds later.

"GRANDPA!" They exclaimed, hugging his legs.

"Hey boys."

"Wanna play Batman with us?" Eli asked.

"Of course, go to the backyard and I'll be right there." Andy said and the boys ran further into the house.

"Thanks for doing this Andy."


"I'll have Brandon pick them up on his way home from work."

"Sounds like a plan, see ya Alex."

"Bye." I said, hugging him before going to the car. I got home and sat on the couch, calling Brandon.


"Hey Brandon."

"Hey Alex, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just need you to pick up the boys on your way home. I dropped them off at your parents'."

"Will do."

"Thank you, love you."

"Love you too." He said and hung up.


"Boys, I'm going to take a break. I guess I'm not as young as I used to be. But you guys keep playing." I laughed, trying to catch my breath after running around the backyard with them for thirty minutes.

"Okay." They said, resuming their game. I walked over to the patio and sat down, tossing my head back.

"Here, you look like you need it." Harley said, handing me a glass of water.

"Thanks." I said, taking it from her as she sat in the other chair. I took a sip and then picked up the cigarette box on the table and lit one.

"Sixty years old and still smoking." Harley laughed.

"Actually, I'm a few years older than sixty, and I'll smoke til' I die."

"Yeah, smoking may be the cause of your death."

"Hey, at least I'll die happy." I said, watching the boys run around.

"Whatever you say."

"Grandpa, are you ready now?" Eli asked as they both walked up to me.

"In a minute." I said, blowing the smoke up in the air. "Just keep playing."

"Okay, come on Eli." Eddie said, running back out. Eli ran after his brother, coughing a bit.

Lost It All (Sequel To Lost In Stereo) {4} [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora