Chapter 42: Final Chapter

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   After 2 weeks pass by, I am ready to leave the hospital. The nurse brings me a wheel chair even though my legs work fine. I get strolled off until we reach the car. I get out of my wheelchair and watch as Demi picks up her phone.

    "Ok ok calm down it's going to be fine." She says.

    "What's going on? Who is that?" I ask.

  "She's in a better place now. Somewhere where no one could hurt her. She's safe now." I hear her whisper.

  "Demi what's going on?" I ask again.

"Ryan, I--I don't know what to say. You're father- took your sister off of life support."

it didn't register

"So, she's fine still." I say. Tears swell up.

"Ryan, Jessica is dead. She couldn't be taken off of life support."

still not registering

"It's fine she'll be home soon anyway." Demi places one hand on my shoulder then holds me tight. I couldn't hold them in. My tears flowed dowm my face. I didn't want her to let me go.

       5 weeks later... there was a funeral. I was planning to have the marriage on this week but I didn't think my father would do something like this. Not many people came to visit Jessica. Not many people had anything to say about Jessica. The most positive speech was from an old woman who had said, "She tried her best in life. She ended up with the wrong person at the wrong time. Let there be a lesson learned from this experience." I refused to speak. My mother refused to speak. We all refused to speak because my father was there at the funeral and we all knew what our speeches would be like.

  "Jessica will always be a part of this family but if it wasn't for her fucked up father we wouldn't be having this speech, we wouldn't even be here so thank you asshole."

He placed flowers on her casket. I threw them off and placed a picture of me and her when we were little. He looked at me with disgust; I gave him the same look. We went into a private area at the funeral away from the drama.

"I don't appreciate my son moving my flowers off my daughter's casket."

"Fuck you. I can't even call you a father. You're nothing to me and I refuse to have you in my life."

"That's all you do! You push away the people that make you upset for one minute."

"No, I tried to keep a relationship with Jessica and she didn't want any help! You killed her it was you! You're sick"

"I had to pull the goddamn plug, Ryan! She was there for too long and she was wasting my money!"

"We all chipped in to pay for her! How can you stay so calm!?"

"Fine! I'm such a bad person right well let me tell you something, I have a good job, I have a wonderful woman in my life and I'm not letting you jeopardize that."

"Who's this bimbo? Did you pick her up off the street?"

"No I picked her up at you're doorstep!" I stopped talking. I was confused. Demi would never do anything like that to me.

"Who are you talking about?" I ask through my teeth.

"Sarah and I are getting married Ryan and I wanted you to be my best man but that's not happening now with that tone you keep giving me."

"I'm not a little boy dad! I'm getting married soon too and...I would never be your best man. How could you get married to your own son's ex-girlfriend? You're three times her age!" I wanted to hit him hard. I didn't do it. I just went to Demi and told her we had to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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