Chapter 13

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"Are you okay?"

  - "No. I think there's a good chance I might throw up."

  - "Ryan, relax please. Just stay calm for me, okay?"

  - "I can't believe this." She rings the doorbell. I try to smile gently as I see two figures stand before me. "Demi, hi!" Her mom says as she squeezes her daughter. Her father stairs at me. I never glance in his direction. I could feel his stare burning through my body. "Hi, you must be the boyfriend." She smiles at me. "And you must be Demi's sister." I compliment. She blushes and giggles. "Funny and cute, I like him already. I'm Dianna and this is my husband Eddie."

    I extend my hand out towards him. He grips my hands and shakes it. "You two go inside, I want to have a word with Ryan." He says. I gulp and watch as Dianna heads inside. Demi stops in her tracks and pats Eddie's back. "Be nice." She whispers and heads inside. We take a seat outside on the steps. "I can tell by the way you smile at my daughter that you won't hurt her. But if I'm wrong about that and she comes home crying to me one day, I'll cut every single one of your fingers and feed then to Oliver."

     I gulp and nod my head. "Now that that's over, let's go inside." He says with a smile. I follow him up the stairs and as I enter, I see a small dog running towards my direction. "I guess this is Oliver." I say with a smile. I see Eddie smile out the corner of my eye. Eddie shows me to the living room where we sit and watch a good football game. The constant cheering for different teams and the laughs we shared made me feel less afraid of Eddie.

    I get up at halftime to see what the girls were doing. I watch as Demi and Dianna dance and cook in the kitchen. Demi turns and faces me. She scoops some whip cream with her index finger and has it near my mouth. I lick the substance off of her finger slowly and watch as she bites the corner of her lip. "Ahem, did you forget I was in the room?" Dianna asks. Honestly, I did forget where I was for a moment. All I could picture was Demi naked, with her assets covered in whip cream. Why did she have to tease me now?

      I give Dianna a smile and we all gather around in the living room, watching the football game. We laugh and talk and eat. It was a really special time, I never knew I would connect with Demi's parents like this. Dianna and Eddie go to bed and I go out to the front steps. The cool night sky felt good against my skin. Demi sits on the steps next to me and she places her head on my shoulder. "Did you enjoy yourself?" She asked. "Yeah, your parents are cool." She smiles and bites her lip, looking up into the sky. "I had a fantasy about you. Your assets were covered in whip cream and I licked your body up and down." I told her.

     I tell Demi everything that is on my mind because she is a good listener. "Oh yeah, I had a fantasy about you too." She whispered in my ear, getting closer. "We made love in the plush grass at night, it felt so good. You held me tight and we looked at the moon and talked for hours about random stuff." She says. "God, I love you so much. I kiss her and feel my hand rub against her neck. My lips caressed her neck. Simple, soft kisses was all I needed to get her to moan for me. "Ryan, wait not tonight okay. I feel weird doing this at my parents house." She says. I smile and kiss her lips one more time. I hold her and sit on the steps for a little while longer until Demi gets sleepy.

    I carry her into the guest bedroom and lay beside her. "Ryan, I'm really glad you got to meet my parents." She whispers. She turns to face me and I brush a strand of her beautiful blonde hair off her face. "I'm glad I got to meet them too. Do you want to know what your dad told me?" I ask.

  - "What?"

  - "He said that if he ever saw you coming home crying because of me, he would cut every single one of my fingers off and feed them to Oliver." She laughs and pokes my nose. "I guess that means you have to be nice to me now." She smiles and slowly begins to close her eyes. 

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