Chapter 30

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    "How was it?" It was the first question that Dr. Hernandez asked.

"It was good. I felt safe, you know?" Hernandez nods and looks at me.

"And what about you Ryan, did you find this exercise to be a challenge?" I shook my head.

"It was nice, just being able to hold her like that."

"Good, good. The point of the exercise was to see how much self-control you really have. Did you have any difficulty with that?"

Demi shook her head no.

"She told me to come to bed so we could cuddle but she bit her lip while doing so. She knows that turns me on."

"So you had some difficulty in doing this exercise?"

"Yes, just a little. It made me have some sort of fantasy of her."

"Really, that's interesting. Tell me what these fantasies are." He clicked his pen and was ready to write. I felt uncomfortable talking about my fantasies with Demi sitting right next to me.

"Well uh..I always dreamt of licking hot chocolate syrup off of her naked body." I saw Demi smirk a bit. oh wow did it get hot in here?

"Any other fantasies you had or still have about Demi?"

"Uhm... I don't know."

"Yes you do. It's okay, what is said in the room, stays in the room. You have my word."


"I dreamt of giving her...anal." I facepalm myself. "While in the shower and seeing her breasts pressed against the glass door through a mirror." I said this through my hand. I felt embarrassed. I look up at the ceiling and watch as Demi fixed the collar of her shirt.

"These are all great fantasies to have. Don't feel ashamed, you are only human and as humans, we think in strange ways. Our curiosity makes us more intelligent. Do you ever have fantasies about Ryan, Demi?"

Demi looks at her hands and looks back at Hernandez.

"Sex at work, on a desk. Or sex outside on the grass or he watches me tease myself." I look at her and she smiles.

"You had fantasies about me?" She nodded her head and this made me feel happy.

"Good, very good. Now here's what I want you to do. Act as if you both are home alone and you have this burning passion for each other. I want you to kiss passionately and proceed until I say stop."


"You heard me. This is a test of self-control. Go." Demi and I look at each other and she steadily leans into me. I feel her soft lips touch mine and we simply kiss. Her tongue slides in my mouth and I feel myself get warm. She tilts her head to the side a tad bit and places her hand in my cheek. My hand rested on her waist and I pulled her in closer.

"Stop." We open our eyes and stay motionless.

"Good. Demi, do you want to continue?"


"Ryan, do you want to continue?"


"This is normal. It's okay to want to keep going. Self-control, it takes practice. Here is your second assignment." We look over it.

Exercise: Kiss only, no sexual contact. We thanked Hernandez and left his office.

   "So about your fantasies." She said while walking to the car.

"What about them?"

"I never knew you wanted to try new things. That's why I never suggested it."

"Well I never knew you wanted to tease yourself while I watched. That sounds like torture not teasing." She laughed and we got in the car.

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