Chapter 21

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    The next morning, I woke up to the sound of chatter coming from the kitchen. I put on a shirt and my pajama pants. I pick up Momo and take him downstairs. I see Demi talking on the phone with someone. I walk over and kiss her forehead and hold her waist while she listens to the other person speak. "How did you sleep?" She whispered. "It was amazing. I don't think I ever slept so well. How was yours?" I ask. She smiles and nods and replies, "It was fine." She turns around and her butt presses against me while I hold her. My heart races and I try to put my mind on something else.

    Demi laughs and continues to speak on the phone. "Yeah... I know.... I loved it so much." Her bare legs and the touch of her cotton underwear made me gulp. She finally got off the phone and turned around to kiss me in my lips. She takes Momo out of my hands and begins to pet him while making her way to the couch. She flips the TV on and turns it to the crime channel. "I saw this one. I know who killed Randolph but I won't say anything." She looked back, wondering if I was going to join her in her festivities. I plopped down beside her on the couch and we watched marathons of CSI and Law and Order: SVU.

    "Demi?" I say without looking away from the TV.


"How does your family feel about me being with you?"

"Ryan, you should know already. They love you. Especially my dad and that's the best part."

  "Look, my mother loves you but she keeps calling me because she thinks I'm irresponsible. She makes it seem like my age makes a big difference in our relationship."

"But I don't understand. You're only three years younger than me."

"Demi. What am I going to do? My mom thinks an 18 year old dating a 21 year old is bad news."

"I still don't see why. Age shouldn't matter. Unless your 10 years old with a 60 year old man. Then that's a different story."

"I guess she thinks I might turn into one of those 'Do what I want to do' guys."

"Well it's going to be okay. Just watch these reruns with me, please." She says, ending our conversation. Things were going very well the next couple of weeks until I noticed a change in Demi. Her mood seemed depressed and scared.

     One day, while I was waiting for Demi to finish her shift, she paced back and forth. She went through the kitchen doors, back to other people's booths asking them if they wanted anything else from the menu. I knew what she was trying to do. She was making herself busy. She wanted things to do so she could take her mind off of whatever it was that was bothering her.

     I watched from an empty booth as a lady was calling for her. "Miss! Miss!?" The lady called. Demi walked over and asked, "Yes, what can I do for you?" In happiness because she finally had something to do. "This steak here is well done, see. I asked for medium rare." I didn't like the tone of voice that woman gave Demi; it made me sick. The woman was slicing the end of her steak, indicating that there was not a pink part to be seen. Demi snatched the knife and fork away from the lady.

    My eyes widened and my heart beat faster. Calm down baby. It's going to be alright. I loved seeing Demi upset because for some reason, it turned me on. She sliced then steak down the middle and revealed the fleshy pink circle. "Miss, I have been working at Exquisite all my life. My grandfather owned it, my father now owns it and soon enough I'll be the owner. This is the finest restaurant in Philadelphia and if you think I don't know the difference between medium rare and well done, then you must have been on some really good crack.

    After she finished that conversation, she left the woman speechless. She kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand, walking me to the car. "Um... Are you okay Demi?" What type of stupid question was that? Of course she's not okay, she just told one of her customers that they do crack. She shook her head and leaned back. "Demi, if you have anything to tell me, I'm here for you. I'll listen and we can both beat whatever it is you're sad about." I said, hoping she would listen. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. She sniffled and said, "He's back. And he's coming for you."

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