Chapter 26

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About four months pass and Erica has not seen her mother yet. I tried to explain why she hasn't come back home yet. Erica's father was very busy and couldn't take her so Demi and I had to take care of her. I walk around and notice that Demi doesn't seem too happy.

"What's going on baby?" I ask.

"I'm worried about Erica's mother. I know she's on a business trip and I know she called and told me that she extended her stay, but how could you leave your own child for four months?" I watch her shake her head and sigh.

"It's okay. I'm sure she's fine." I pat her back and kiss her forehead. In a few months, it would be my birthday. I never liked parties but I knew Demi was planning something.

"And we need to talk about sex."

"Sex? My parents gave me the talk about the birds and the bees already."

"Ryan, I'm being serious. I know we're in love and all, but do you realize how close we were from being caught? It's happened on more than one occasion." She was right. We were having sex a lot. The funny thing is that we were having sex more than we used to because Erica was around. It sounds messed up, I know, but it was the thrill of knowing that someone was around the corner and having to run and grab our clothes from the floor. It was like we were spies and I knew that Demi had gotten a thrill out of it too.

"So what are you suggesting? That we just completely stop having sex?"

"I was thinking we could go to therapy." She said moving her head back a little bit.

"What the fuck Demi! I don't think it's that serious! Look we'll just stop and when Erica leaves it will be fine."

"No, Ryan. Think of this, we both want children one day and what happens when we have a baby? We can't do these things knowing that our child is right upstairs. Well, at least I know I can't, it just doesn't feel right." I stand in silence for a moment and think about her offer.

"Okay, I'll do it for us. When are we going?" She hugs me tightly and pulls away with a wide smile.

"How about after your birthday?"

"Good." She holds my hands tightly and takes me to the couch. "By the way, Amy said that she'll be able to take care of Momo when we're gone."

"You know Amy?" She nods. Amy was our neighbor two floors below us. We lived at floor 36 and I knew everyone from my floor and the 34th floor but I never exactly introduced Demi to Amy. She was a sweet person that had two Persian kittens. I would sometimes ask her if she wanted to take jogs with me but she never liked leaving her apartment. This is why asking her to take care of Momo was the best idea.

"So I'll set up our appointment and we'll just see how it goes okay?" I nod and sigh at the same time. I hear my cell ringing and look at the caller ID. It was my mother.

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