Chapter 8

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I enter my marketing class and take a seat near the window. "Good morning, Ryan." She says. "Good morning" I reply. "How was your weekend?" Mrs. Phillips asks. "It was fine. How was your's?" "Same old same old." She replies. I smile at the remark and look out the window. I hear the birds chirping outside and suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder. It was Sarah. "Hey, I haven't heard from you in a while buddy. You suddenly went M.I.A. on me. What happened?" She asks. "I was with Demi." I tell her.

    The expression on her face changes. She looks sad or disgusted, I couldn't tell which and quite frankly, I could not care less of what she thought about my girlfriend. "Ryan, I know what you're thinking. It's not that I don't like her, it's just that you don't seem to hold on to relationships too long." She says. I look at her with a surprised expression on my face. How could she say that? How could she tell me that I could not handle a long relationship? The last time I checked, I was the one dumping you because you told me you didn't want kids. I just sat and stayed quiet until the class started. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out and see it is a message from Demi. I unlock my phone and open the message. "In music production!" It read and attached to the message was a very happy looking Demi, posing with the most cheesy smile she could put on. I smiled and giggled at the photo. "Bored in marketing" I typed back and I posed with a sleepy looking face.

     The class began finally and everyone pulled out there laptops. We learned about stock markets, creating our own professional graph for future portfolios and how to handle a good business. After all the work we had done in class, Professor Phillips decided to give the class homework. Luckily, I had already done the work about two weeks ago. I pack up and before I head out, I am spotted by Sarah. "Hey, if you feel like coming over just tell me." She says lightly tugging on my shirt.

     "I'm not your friend with benefits, Sarah. I am not here to fulfill your sexual desires okay. I have a girlfriend now, a true person that I actually think likes me for me. I have no room in my heart for you anymore because Demi has already filled that whole." I walk out leaving her speechless.

     The fact that Sarah had been my friend for a while and decides to turn me against my girlfriend destroyed me. I enter Demi's music production class and find her slapping five with all her classmates. She is smiling and laughing and she picks up her purse to head out the door. She sees me and walks towards me. I hold her tight and feel her soft hair in my fingers. "How was your day love?" I ask. "Really good. You smell good." She says pressing her face against my chest. I chuckle and take her hand. We walk out and are exposed by the bright sunlight. Demi puts her dark sunglasses on and ties her hair in one side braid. "You are so gorgeous." I tell her. She blushes and grabs my arm. "You say that everyday. One of these days you're going to be too tired to say it." She says looking up at me. "That's not going to happen. I promise to say it everyday for the rest of my life."

       I smile at her and we walk to the front of the campus. "I saw you talking with Sarah." She says. Immediately my smile turns into a frown. "Everything okay?" She asks. "She tried to get me to go with her and have sex. I told her I wasn't part of her fantasy anymore and that there was only room in my heart for my family and you. She smiled and rubbed my hand.  I watch as cars fly past the campus and the warm summer light hit the pores of my skin. We sit on a bench and Demi stretches her legs across mine. I rub her gentle legs and feel her thigh. I can hear her breath deeper and she does not stop me. "Demi, I have to tell you something" I say. "Yeah." She says not looking away from my hand still rubbing her upper thigh. My heart was beating fast and I can feel myself growing in my khakis. "Demi, I haven't had sex since the day I met you." I look at her and her eyes are focused on me now. She looks at me and sits straight now. *Maybe I should not have told her that*. "I haven't either." She says holding my hand.

     My heart is pounding at this moment. I am afraid she may hear it. "I just thought I should tell you that." I say nervously. "Do you remember what it felt like, having sex with me?" She asks. I looked her in the eyes then I zoomed in on her lips. I look back up and say, "I remember grabbing onto the sheets at one point. That had to be a good sign." I say. "I remember not finishing until it was 3 a.m." She said. I remembered looking at my phone before it happened. The time we started was around 12 a.m. "We're making good timing right? We've been dating for 3 months. We're lasting longer than any average couple right?" I ask her. She nods and says, "Ryan, thank you for respecting my needs. I never felt that I was ready and now all these feelings are coming back. Just... Thanks for being patient." I smile and press my lips onto hers. Ever since we started dating, not once have I even touched her tongue. I wanted to give her the full respect that she deserved.

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