Chapter 31

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    The next couple of weeks came easy. The assignments seemed like nothing to me. We were asked to kiss and hold each other and tell each other our thoughts. Although everything was going smoothly with Demi and I, Erica began to feel homesick. She missed her mother then felt some sort of hate towards her. She accidently called Demi  "Mommy" and it almost brought Demi to tears. Blanche was the definition of a terrible mother. She left her daughter for six months and never said anything more than "I miss you sweety. Mommy will be home soon." That was the understatement of the year considering that she called every week or two saying the exact same thing.

    "She has to come home soon. She has to at least miss her daughter a tiny bit." Demi says. "I don't know what to do, I want the place to ourselves, not for my needs but for the baby." Demi had talked about wanting a child. We tried and she had failed her pregnancy test. She was devastated and it was hard trying to cheer her up.

   "Don't get worked up okay. I'm sure Blanche will be home soon." I heard my cell ring. "Hello?"

"Ryan, I've been meaning to talk to you about your raise." Mitchel says with a happy tone.

"What raise?"

"Remember how you gave me tips on how to move in the bedroom?"

"Oh God Mitch, I don't want to hear this from my boss."

"Ryan just hear me out. Your advice was so helpful, I passed it on to my friend and he found an increase in his sexual performance. Look, it seems like a shitty way to give you a raise but your portfolio grabbed the attention of a great gaming company so this raise is coming right on time."

    I wasn't sure of what to say. I didn't want to ask how much. I wanted to wait until I had gotten the check. I wanted to tell Demi but I just thanked him and hung up. I walked over to Demi and massaged her shoulders. She tilted her head and gave me access to her neck. "I've been so tense lately but Dr.Hernandez is helping us. Don't you think?"

  "Yeah. He's okay." I kissed her neck and brushed her strand of hair behind her hair. My phone rings again and I answer.

"Ryan, I'm coming home now."

"Right now, like as we speak?"

"Yes I'm on the plane going back home."

"I thought it was dangerous to be on your phone while in an airplane."

"One phone isn't going to make the plane drop out of the sky. Now listen, you can't mention me going back home to Jonathan." This was no surprise to me.

   "I got it Blanche, just call when you're here." I hang up and look at Demi. "Blanche is coming home right now. She told me not to say a word about her arrival to Jonathan though." Demi shakes her head and sighs.

"Is that the only thing she said?" I nod. "Sometimes Blanche could be a bitch. She didn't say anything about 'tell my daughter I'll see her soon' or anything like that?" I shake my head no. Demi adjusts the bottom of her shirt and fixes her ponytail. I walk to the bathroom and wash my face. I look down and see a box labeled 'Pregnancy Test: The Most Accurate Test Ever Designed'. "Demi, stop torturing yourself." I say to myself. I walk back outside and see Demi petting Momo. He had gotten huge, the size of a wolf. That's what Demi loved, she loved big dogs that she could hold and run her fingers through their soft fur.

      "It's almost your birthday." I tell her. She nods her head.

"Ryan, I'm begging you, don't do anything special for me okay."

  "Why not? You did something special for me."

"I just want it to be us for my birthday okay. I'm not in the mood to do anything crazy." I didn't mind not throwing Demi a party at all. What I did mind was how our birthdays were close to each others. Mine was July 30th and hers was August 20th. Demi wasn't much of a party person and neither was I. She was turning 23 and I had just turned 20. My mother thought that I was too young to be in a serious relationship, but I didn't see any problem with it. I loved Demi and that was all that mattered.

   "Okay nothing crazy, I promise." We were scheduled to go meet Dr.Hernandez tomorrow at a different location. I wasn't sure of what that place was but I had a feeling it had something to do with out next exercise.


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