Chapter 7

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For the first time in my life, I am so nervous that I can throw up. I have no idea why I feel this way. I take in the fact that it's just Demi. I am just seeing Demi, just act like it's a normal day. My forehead is pressed on the steering wheel. I sit still for a while and feel a weird presence. I look to my right and see Demi's funny face pressed on the window. I laugh and get out. "Are you okay? You seemed pretty upset in there." She says. "Yeah, I'm okay." I lie. We decide to go to an outdoor ice cream shop. It was on a beach in a little shack. There were a couple of benches we could have sat on but Demi took me somewhere else. "I lived in Philly so many years and this has to be one of my favorite spots still." She said looking up to the sky. It was a place quiet far from the noisy beach area. The grass was as green and clean as emerald. There were dozens and dozens of Daisies and Dandelions placed upon the ground. I picked one and gave it to her. She smiled and pressed it against her heart. The peace and quiet in this area relaxed me. I sat and watched Demi sit beside me, her Dandelion in one hand and her cookie dough ice cream in the other. Her long blonde hair is gently flowing down her back. Her bare legs are exposed and I cannot believe I have kept my cool for so long. She looks over and watches me eat my ice cream. "What flavor is that?" She asks. "It's marble crunch, only the toughest of the tough can handle it." I joke. She laughs and leans in to me. My heart kicks into overdrive and I'm afraid she can hear it beat. She takes a slow lick of the ice cream and I watch staring at her lick her lips. "I am I part of the tough crew now?" She asks with an enthusiastic smile. "Hmm I don't know, I think you need to have another lick." I say. She smirks and pushes my ice cream gently onto my nose and lip area. She gets up and runs away but I'm able to catch her and pick her up off the ground. I place her in front of me and kiss get lips, leaving a mark of ice cream on her lips. She is laughing and all I can do is laugh. I haven't heard her truly laugh in so long. I missed it. We lick the ice cream off our lips and we lay on the grass for a while. She takes my hand and cuddles next to me. "Why do I feel so comfortable with you?" She asks. "Because we've known each other for almost a year and I let you eat my food, watch my TV and shove things in my face." I reply looking at her. She giggles and presses her lips against my cheek. "Have you ever just looked back on your life?" I ask.

- "All the time. I try not to, but it isn't easy. I used to get bullied a lot because of my weight."

- "What? That's terrible. Is that why I found you over the toilet a while ago?"

- "I didn't do it. I thought about it but then I thought how hurt you would be if I actually did do it."

- "I think you're beautiful. You have a great smile and I love your beautiful curves and your eyes."

- "My eyes are brown though."

- "Just because your eyes aren't green or blue, doesn't mean I can't like them." I say. I look at my phone and realized we laid there for almost 4 hours. The sun was still bright outside and during our long conversation, Demi fell asleep. I try to wake her up. "Demi, come on we have to go." I whisper in her ear. "Pick me up." She says into her arm. I give her a piggy back ride to the car. "I never knew you were so strong." She said. I smile at the compliment but try to hide it. I open her side of the door and I get inside the driver's seat. "Where do you want to go next?" I ask. 

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