Chapter 15

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     She storms into the house and trips on herself while running to the bathroom. I hear her gagging and can tell she is drunk. As she gets out of the bathroom I hear her annoying voice. "I tol ju to stop talkin' to nom 'bout me and my..... Husband!" She says in a slur. I just watch as she looks at me dead in my face, watching her wobble back and forth trying to gain her balance.

      "He's not your husband, he's your fiance." I say in the most silent tone I could manage. Demi is standing in shock, not knowing if she should stand by my side or stay seated in her chair. "He will be! And he'll be a damn good father too!" I look at her and cannot contain my anger any longer. I grab her wrist and lead her to the kitchen. I sit her in a chair and open the fridge to grab some water. "Jessica! Tell me you are not pregnant by this asshole!" I yell.

       She stares at the glass of water that sat in my hand. "Jessica!" I yell once again. "Leave me alone! I'm just tired. Where's your chair?" She asks. "You're sitting on it Jessica!" I could not find the words to describe how infuriating this so called "woman" was. I never knew my sister would turn down this type of road, a road that lead absolutely nowhere. She would have no future ahead of her if she stayed with Tayler. Her life would be ruined. For all I know, she could be dead in less than two years.

    Demi got up and took Jessica by her hand. She led her to the couch in the living room and laid her flat. She grabbed some sheets and flew them across her body then, she looks at me. "Ryan, you shouldn't talk to her like that." She says in a soft tone. "Demi, my sister has been making these type of stupid mistakes ever since she met the guy!" I exclaim. "We all make mistakes. How about we let her sleep for a little while and I'll make her something to eat in the meanwhile." She says.

     She is so caring and tranquil. Being around her made me forget why I was even upset in the first place. "Sorry, I just want her to know that I care about her." I say. "I know you do. I think we should pack tomorrow." She says.

  - "Hey."

  - "Yeah?"

  - "I love you."

  - "I love you to Ryan."

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