Chapter 19

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   Today is the day, the day of our one year anniversary. I tried my best to slide out of bed quietly. When I reached downstairs, I entered the kitchen and began to make a gigantic breakfast. In an hour and a half I was able to make a pepper, cheese and ham omelet, Belgian waffles with a side of strawberries and homemade whipped cream on the side. I blended strawberries, mangos and kale in a Shark blender and waited until it reached a liquid form. I poured the drink in a glass and placed it on the tray where the food laid.

      I reached the bedroom and Demi is still sound asleep. Her arms cradle the blankets and I could listen to her sweet soft snores forever. I placed the tray on the nightstand and watched her adjust my sweater to cover her hands. As soon as I was about to call Demi's name, I forgot the most important thing--the present! I quietly ran down the stairs and gently grabbed the present from outside. I brought it upstairs and placed it behind my back so she wouldn't see. "Demi? Wake up sleeping beauty." I said in a sing song tone.

    She covered her face with my sweater and peaked through it. Then she sat up and saw the tray of food on the nightstand. "Aww, baby thank you and happy anniversary." She said in her morning voice. She had seen I was trying to hide something and she smiled. "Is that my present?" She asked. "Maybe, maybe not." I smiled. Just then, we heard a small bark. She looked into my eyes and I could see her tear up. "Ryan, you didn't." I bring the present out from behind my back and pet it softly. Demi was smiling the hardest I had ever seen her smile before. I don't think I have ever seen her so happy.

    The little puppy yawned and stretched in my hand. She stretched out her arms and gently cuddled the puppy. "Happy anniversary Demi", I say as I sit by her side of the bed and kiss her forehead. "Ryan, I can't believe it. It's just so cute. What is his name?" She asks. "I never named him, I was waiting for you to see him." I reply. She looked into the puppy's eyes. It was a Siberian Husky with light blue eyes, the color of the morning sky. She rubbed her nose against his and said, "Momo." She looked at me and I laughed. "That's cute. You do realize that's the name of the flying lemur in Avatar right?" She looks at me with a smile and says, " Well I like it. Do you have any better names?" I shook my head and laughed. I liked the name Momo and the puppy did look like a Momo.

     "How did you hide him from me?" She asks petting the pup. "I sometimes took him to Jordyn's house and I left him with your dad. He was actually the one that gave me the idea of getting you dog. He said you haven't seen Oliver in a while and I thought maybe you would like to just have a little puppy of your own." She smiled and took a bite out of her Belgian waffle. When she bit into the strawberry, I took a bite out of the other end and kissed her lips. The puppy tried to howl and Demi trembled because of his cuteness.

      "Oh! I almost forgot, I have your present too. I'll go get it. Demi carried Momo downstairs and when she came back up, she had a big box with Momo laying on top of it. She places the box in front of me and picks up Momo. "Go ahead, open it." She says with a smile still on her face. I open the box and its a brand new Playstation 4. I look down in the box and see five video games all packed inside the box. I could tell Demi had seen my face because she could not stop laughing. I was in shock. "Did I ever tell you I love you?" I said rummaging in the box. "Haha, do you like it?" "Like it? Demi I love it." She laughs again and I go over to hug her. I pick her up and twirl her around and drop her in the same spot.

         "Happy anniversary love." She whispers as she kisses my lips. "Happy anniversary baby, but it's not over yet." I said smiling. I had so much planned for today.

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