Chapter 5

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About 9 months passed since I first met Demi. A couple of weeks passed since Demi met that blonde girl from the diner. A few days had passed since she moved out of my place. She went back to her home and decided to get a restraining order on that psycho boyfriend of hers. She had broken up with him about two weeks ago through phone. The guy begged her to take him back and she refused. I was glad she had done something about the situation but I felt depressed when she wasn't with me anymore. The day we were at the diner was the day I actually had the courage to tell her how I feel. Demi hasn't told me anything about the blonde girl, just that they have been hanging out at different restaurants and stuff. She says it's not official, but she feels like she could take things to the next level with this woman. I was so close, so close to pouring out my heart to Demi. I could not believe I felt this sort of resentment towards this blonde girl that I barely knew. For 9 months I have been chasing Demi, 9 months! And then this woman comes along one day and sweeps Demi off her feet. It stings how much feelings I have towards Demi. I managed to find my way into the kitchen during all my thinking. Suddenly, my phone rings. I get a call from Demi. "Ryan do you think you could pick me up. I'm at this party thingy." She says. Her words are slurred and I can tell she has had a few drinks. The music is loud in the background. "Sure Demi. What's the address?" I ask. She tells me the address and I arrive at the party in 20 minutes. I told her to meet me in the front but I didn't see her. I enter the noise infested house and look around. "Hey man, do you know a girl named Demi Lovato?" I ask. "Yeah! Last time I seen her she was in that room over there." He replies. I thank him and enter the room. I find a blonde haired girl on top of Demi, crashing her lips into Demi's. I feel warm inside and can't help but watch. The girls hand slides past Demi's waistband and she begins to finger her. I watch as Demi's mouth is agape, her head tilted back and her fingers gripping the girl's arms. "Ugh, fuck" Demi sighs. "Uhm Demi?" I say with a shaky voice. Her lips are busy locking on to the other girl's lips but she replies. "Hey Ryan. I don't need a ride."

  - "Are you sure?" I ask.

  - "Mmm, deeper."

  - "She'll be fine." The girl replies.

  - "W...wait for me in the car." Demi says under her breath. I walk out the door and reach my car. I let out a big breath and have no idea what to do. I stare blankly at the dashboard. I think about what I just saw and lay my head on the steering wheel of the car. "Fuck" I sigh. I could not believe it. Every time I feel as if I'm getting closer to Demi, I take two steps back. My head hurt and I don't even bother putting the keys in the ignition. I lay back in my chair and sit until I fall asleep. The next day, I felt something brush on my leg. The blonde girl's head was lightly swishing against my lap but her hair seemed longer and a tiny bit lighter. I move my fingers and brush the hair out of her face to find out that the blonde girl was not sleeping on my lap. It was Demi. During her night at the party, she must have colored her hair once again. I liked it a lot. Blonde really does fit her. Then I realized I had said this about her other hair colors. "Am I going crazy?" I whisper to myself. Demi laid there peacefully on my lap. I didn't want to disturb her so I move the gear into drive and pull away from the curb. After ten minutes of driving, Demi finally begins to wake up. "Hey sleepy head." I say, not taking my eyes off the road. She didn't respond. Her hand was too busy rubbing her head. She looked sick. I pull over to the side near a drugstore. "You okay?" I asked her. "I'm not with her." She says with a raspy yet calm tone.

  - "What do you mean?" I ask.

  - "I mean I'm not with Angela anymore."

  - "Who?"

  - "The blonde girl that you saw me with. I don't want a relationship with her and if I did, my parents would have been pissed at me anyways." Demi says while covering her forehead with her palm. "I thought you were that blonde chick when I woke up but I remembered her hair was darker then yours." I tell Demi trying to change the subject. "Do you like it?" She asks me with raised eyebrows. "Yeah. I love it." I say. Silence filled the car and so did heat. I rolled down the window a bit on my side. "I don't party like this a lot. I rarely party at all. I just do it to try and kill the pain but I don't know why I think that's a reasonable answer. I have you with me. You help the pain go away." She says smiling at me. I look deep into her eyes and felt myself lean towards her. She leans in the rest of the way and as soon as our lips touch, my phone rings. I can feel myself get warm. We pull away quickly and I answer my phone. "Hello. Yes mom I'll make sure I'm over there. Yeah, I have nothing planned. Okay, bye." I hang up and gulp down my fear. I feel like my heart is jumping out of my chest. An enormous amount of emotions take over my body. I stare out the windshield for a moment. "I can buy some Aspirin or Tylenol from the store next door." I say. Demi doesn't answer, instead she looks at me with her deep brown eyes. She seems confused but happy and scared all at the same time. I knew because I had the same look on my face.

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