Chapter 28

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    "So I here you are taking care of a child. A little baby girl." Dr. Hernandez looked me straight in the eyes with his slim reading glasses. He looked to be around the age of 35. His light blue eyes made his green shirt pop and he was well dressed. I could always tell how well someone was doing at their job by the way they sat and how they dressed. And by the looks of things, Dr. Hernandez was a well accomplished man who was very good at his job.

    "Yes. A girl named Erica. She is six." I reply staring at his sandy brown hair. He didn't look like a doctor and I was right. I checked the wall of accomplishments and seen that he had gotten a PhD in Psychology. I look at my palms and scan Demi for a quick second. She had her hair in a side ponytail that was braided. She wore a nice flowing cotton dress and crossed her legs. Her legs looked great and I knew that Dr. Hernandez was reading my mind because the next question was, "So what is it like having sex with Demi?"

    "Oh, um, it's good." I didn't know what to say.

"Just good? It's not exciting in anyway?" He had the straightest face I had ever seen on someone. I knew I had to stop the bullshit. It was time to get serious and because this was what Demi wanted to do, I respected her opinion and I went with it.

    "Well, it's not good. It's amazing. I never felt these feelings before I met Demi." I can see Demi trying to hide her smile from the corner of my eye.

"And she has an amazing smile." I see those pretty white teeth and chuckle.

"So Demi, how many times do you have sex with Ryan?" She hesitates and looks up at the ceiling.

"Three times..."

"A month? A week?"

"Uh, three times a day." Hernandez seemed befuddled. He fixed his glasses and wrote some things down on his notepad.

"So what I see here is that you both are madly in love with each other, that's the positive part. What I think the problem is here is controlling your passion. It's not bad to have these feelings for each other but you need to learn self-control. So I'll ask you both questions, obviously about the sexual acts you partake in and I'll find some solutions and easy methods you could follow. Sounds good?"

    Demi and I looked at each other and nodded back at Hernandez.

"Please don't feel intimidated by the things I ask you, I am only here to help." He smiles and I wait for his question.

"Have you ever performed oral sex on Ryan?" He says this without looking away from his notepad.

"No. Well there was one time when we were...drunk. But I am positive I didn't do anything that time."

"We were pretty hammered, Demi. But she's right, nothing happened."

"Mmhhmm, I see." He scratches something out his notepad. "Why haven't you performed oral sex? Is it something you don't want to do?" The question seemed a little bit out of my comfort zone.

"I just never done it. He has performed it on me though." Demi seemed extremely comfortable, maybe because she was the one that wanted to come here in the first place.

     "Have you ever spoken to each other dirty? You know, dirty talking. Telling each other...

"No. No dirty talking." I interrupt.

"None at all?" He looks at Demi. She shakes her head.

"It turns us off. I never liked it." Hernandez scribbles more notes in his handy dandy notebook. For some reason it made me angry, knowing that he would keep records of what we said. Who knows, maybe he goes to his friends after work and tells them about the boy that doesn't like to talk dirty to his red headed girlfriend.

   "So no oral sex for Demi. No talking dirty for the both of you." Scratch, scribble, scratch, flip. "Sexual intercourse in the movie theater?"


"In the car?"


"Obviously at home. In the bathroom or the kitchen?"

"Yes for both."

"You know what's interesting? The fact that you two have sex plenty of times, but never anything new. Sure you make love in different areas of the house but what about positions?"

   "How is this supposed to make us stop having sex? I think you asking these questions are just making me want it more." I was getting frustrated.

  "These questions are to get to know what you are used to. Then after we evaluate, we proceed to the methods. Now back to my question, have you done any sexual positions other than missionary?"

"I'm not really good with sex names. You would have to get back to me on that one."

"Demi what about you? What do you like during your sexual activity?" I look over and watch her pull her dress down.

    "I like it when he whispers sweet things to me. He says how beautiful I am while slowly pulling off my clothes. I like it when he kisses my neck and runs his hand through my hair."

    "So what I am getting at, and correct me if I'm wrong, but you both seem to like soft, sensual sex. Am I right?" We nod simultaneously.

   "Ryan, what do you like during intercourse?" He adjusts his glasses and clicks his pen.

"When she smiles against my skin. When she begs for more. I like when she bites my ear and sighs in it. When her nails dig deep into my back. When she sweeps her hair to the side. There's nothing I don't love about our sex."

    He nods and looks at Demi. "Do you feel the same way Demi? Is there something that you don't like in your sex or is there something you want more?" I thought she would have automatically say that our sex was great but she hesitated, she thought about it.

    "Maybe a little bit more rough?" I look at her with shock. And here I thought she was a sweet sensitive woman.

"More rough? How rough? Like, just from the start?" I needed to know.

"No. When I tell you to go harder, you hold back because you think I can't handle it...but I can." My eyes were wide, I didn't know what to say.

   "Good. You're open about this. That's a step. We'll continue tomorrow okay? But before you go, here is your first assignment." He tears out a page from his notepad and hands it to me.

First Assignment: Cuddle. That was it.

"So we just... Cuddle?" Demi asked.

"That's what it says. I know, I have terrible handwriting. This task seems simple right?" I look at the paper and shake my head. His handwriting was a mess, for a well developed male with a PhD in Psychology, you would have thought he could write like a prince. Theme of the day, don't judge a book by its cover.

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