But Then I Saw You

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I hope your ready, cause I freaked out writing this, and I suggest to listen to the music near the end.

Different POV

I open the front door, hearing an almost familiar voice behind it. As I turn it, I see Ed.

"Hey Al, what's up? You seem disappointed to see your big brother." Ed said, looking slightly up at him.

"Sorry... I just thought I heard her again." I said, feeling disappointed.

"Al...." He started. "I'm sorry, but... she isn't coming back."

"Can't I at least remember? You've have Winry... when I got my body back.. she lost hers." I walk upstairs, wanting some time alone.

I wait on the front porch step, reading. It was a nice summer day, and well..... I'm still trying to adapt to having a body.

"Alphonse! Over here!"

I hear her voice again, and instantly stand up to go find it, forgetting my cane on the way.

"I love you."

I feel myself running, her voice mesmerizing me.

"Alphonse! I love you too!"

When I find where it's coming from, there's nothing, but the echo of words in my mind.

I feel myself on the verge of tears, falling to my knees as I cover my face with my hands.

All the goodbyes, the 'I love you's, the hugs, the kiss, holding hands, our nights alone,

for what?

And why does it hurt so much?

I remember something she said, when she was paralyzed and we talked it out

"I know things seem bad. But it's ok, things will get better, I promise."


when will it get better?

Time skip.

(Y/n)'s POV

I'm finally back, but when I look around, it's pitch black. Coffin. I have alchemy, what's the best way to get out? Tunnel. If I make a hole in it, then I can use my alchemy to separate the dirt above me. I start kicking the coffin. No use. I feel my lungs start to run out of oxygen. I quickly make a tunnel, all the way up to the ground and climb up.

Where the hell do I go?

I'm in Central, the graveyard, in fact. I have to hide myself. But then I remember the back allies and the way to headquarters. I'm in my military uniform, so I'll be good with that. But people think I'm dead. Shit. Might as well try.

When I get there, out of breath walking with a slight limp because of the height of my automail leg to my real leg, I see a familiar face.

"Mustang! Hey!" I yell, waving my new arm in the air. He murmurs something and turns away. I transmute a wall in front of him. "I'm alive."

"I guess it really worked.." He murmured, walking back over to me. "Everyone misses you. Especially the Elrics. Your friend broke down a few months back, you should call her."

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