Alphonse's Real Soul

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Time Skip

~Al's POV~

"What are you two doing?" I hear footsteps from the other side of the room. Brother and I where planing on going to Laboratory 5, we knew that it would be easier to sneak out at night, so Ross and Brotch would be tired. But we forgot that (Y/N) was on the other side of the library and fell asleep with a book. She walks over to the both of us.

"You two are idiots, what are you planning?" She rubs her eyes and stretches.

"Just getting some food.." Brother says, nervously. She hits him on the head with her real arm.

"How stupid do you think I am? If you sneak out, you at least have to have a good plan, not just jump out the window."

She looks down, we're 4 stories up and we where planing on crawling down one of the rain drains. She claps her hands together to make a slide out of two of the rain drains, and blocks off the water. Then slides down the 4 foot slide. We reluctantly go behind her, then she goes over and fixes the rains drains.

"So, where are we going?" She follows behind us and looks at the night sky.

"We're not going anywhere, both of us are." Brother walks quicker to try to get rid of (Y/N), but she grabs his hood.

"No way in hell, idiot. I'm coming with, if not you'd get your ass kicked again." She lets go of his hood, and we walk up to the gate.

Time Skip

Ed and (Y/N) decided to both go inside while I had to keep guard. While (Y/N) was going inside, someone jumped off the roof and started slicing at me. (Y/N) jumped down and started to help in the battle.

"My my! A girl and a big guy! This will me fun!" He starts slicing at (Y/N), she keeps dodging while I try to get him from behind to take away his knifes.

"Who are you, anyway!" She said, a few feet away from him and out of breath.

"Me? Why I'm Number 66, or that's the number they gave me when I got here." He tries to strike at (Y/N)'s automail arm, but the blade gets stuck in the arm.

"What the hell! My mechanic's going to kill me!" She tries to get the knife out of her arm while I take over for her.

I soon knock him onto the ground with one punch. "You stupid bucket of bolts! Let me slice you up!" He gets up, charging after me, I move to the side and push off his helmet. His helmet goes flying off into the air to where (Y/N) is standing.

"You're empty?" I say, seeing his hollow armor. He starts laughing, and starts explaining.

"There's a bit of a story behind that, it's a pretty good one, too. Would you like to hear? It all starts with a man of the name of Barry. Once upon a time, right here in Central, there was a butcher named Barry who LOVED his job. He absolutely loved cutting up the meat into tiny pieces. Soon after, beaf and pork wasn't enough for him to cut up. So he went to the streets and started cutting up people instead. He was soon caught, and killed and the world lost an evil man. But, the story isn't over yet! Barry isn't actually dead you see, he is charged with guarding a certain place, without his actual body. Yes! That's right! He's standing in front of your very eyes! I'm Barry the Chopper!!"

"Sorry, I've never heard of you." Barry froze in complete shock in front of me.

"Yeah, you probably weren't that popular then." (Y/N) said, looking up and spinning around his helmet.

"If you don't know who I am, then shouldn't you be wondering about me having no body?!?" He said.

"Ahh. You have no body. Wow. Soooo frightening." (Y/N) sarcastically said, holding back a laugh and tossing him his head.

I lift up my head, "Ahh!!! What happened to your body, freak?!?" He said, I heard (Y/n) get a little annoyed.

"That isn't very nice." I murmur.

"Ohh, so you're dead too, then who's she-"

"I'm not a criminal!!!" I put my head back on, and explain. "When I lost my body, my brother transmuted my soul to this suit of armor." He starts laughing, then looks at me.

"Are you sure you're really related to your brother?"

I think for a second. "Well.. I guess we don't look that much alike anymore." I said.

"No no no... are you sure you're not a puppet created by you're so called brother? Where you ever even a real person to begin with?"

"How can you say that? I was a real boy, and my name was Alphonse Elric!"

"How can you be sure of that?"

"I have memories!"

"Are you sure they're not fabricated?"

(Y/N) walks forward, and transmutes his armor. "Shut up!" Then, a bullet goes though his hand, ending the fight.

"Stay right there!" Ross said, stepping forward.

"This fight isn't how I wan-" Berry starts talking until an explosion occurs in the Laboratory. Which is when I remember


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