The Girl Who Survived

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

When we walk into the room, there's cages on cages of animals all over it. "Where'd you get all these animals?" I say, looking around his room.

"I've found them on the streets, don't they look cute?" He says. Obviously, some of these animals are not found on the street. I see crocodiles, birds, dogs, cats, and even

"Alexander?" I said, as I looked in the cage in front of me, I see Alexander whimpering in a big cage.

"It was pretty easy to switch him out with a different dog, the dog you saw today? I found a big dog and dyed it white, then switched out the collars." Tucker said, as I felt a shiver down my spine that something was very wrong. "You know, I knew that you would've found this out eventually, there's something.... different about you."

I look down to see a big transmutation cycle on the floor. "You and Hughes where on to me the whole time, why do you think I sent them to go to his house for tonight and had you stay?" Damnit. I feel right into his trap. But I remember what Maes said to me:

"I know you want to help, but your number one priority is to make sure you, Ed, Al, and Nina are safe"

     I look at something to do. Something to get out of here, with Alexander and Nina, I feel a cold knife on my neck.

"It's nice to have a smart alchemist to help me preform this, after all, you do want to make sure they're safe, right? I know everything about you, (Y/N), we both had the same motives. We both wanted something, one being unattainable, the other giving something in return." Then he paused.

"Equivalent Exchange is what makes the world go around, right? So, I'll have to give up something to get my title as a State Alchemist, but I wouldn't have to give up my Nina in return for that anymore." I can't take it anymore, I clap my hands together, and touch his hand, cutting off the blood flow to it, then doing the same to his legs.

Author Note: I've never really mentioned this, but your character has powers similar to Ed and Al, but can also control stuff with nitrogen in it, like blood and other things.

Knowing they'll come back soon, I unlock Alexander's cage and open the door for him. Then I feel a sharp pain in my real arm. I look at it to see a rabid dog bitting onto my arm, I pick it off, realizing my arm is severely bleeding. Then seal off the room and running over to Nina's room and opening the door.

     "(Y/N)?" She said, rubbing her eyes, I scoop her up and run out the door, accidentally forgetting Alexander. "(Y/N)! Your forgetting my daddy! We have to get daddy and Alexander!"

I hold Nina tightly to me so she doesn't get loose. "(Y/N)! You're supposed to be a good big sister! Come on! We have to go get daddy!" Nina starts crying as we run to a phone booth, then call the number Hughes gave me.

     "Hello! This is (Y/N)!" I said panicke, as I heard a not so familiar voice on the other line.

"What are you calling for? This is Roy's office." The voice says.

"I need you to get here immediately! I've found out that-"  I'm interrupted by a pain in my shoulder, I look at it, there's more blood.

"Nina! Run down to the Hughes house! Please, get away from here."

"But daddy and Alexa-"

"Nina go!" I see her run away and feel the pain get worse, then see a wave of black as I hit the back of the phone booth.

~Al's POV~

I'm sitting in the room with Ed asleep and looking at more books about the Philosopher's Stone. When I hear foot steps in the middle of the night. I walk into the living room to see Mr. Hughes getting ready to go somewhere.

"Mr. Hughes? Where are you going?" I whisper, trying not to wake anyone up.

"It's (Y/N), she called Roy and started telling them to go to a phone booth in Central, they said she was with Nina and needed help." He said, sounding worried as he tried to keep his cool.

Then there is a knock on the door. He opens it to a crying Nina. "(Y/N) told me to come here! She's hurt!" Mrs. Hughes comes up from her room, and into the living room go comfort Nina.

"You two go out. I'll take care of Nina, ok?" She said, holding Nina close.

     When we got to the site, it was mortifying. (Y/N) was in the phone booth surrounded by paramedics, there's blood splattered on the inside and outside of the booth. Hughes goes to talk to Mustang but I can't get my eyes off the scene. They then carry her away in a car.

"Wait! I'm a good friend of hers, let me go with you." I say, looking at the stress paramedic. He looks back at me with sympathy.

"Sorry, but we have to get going, she's going to die." Those words shook me as the car drives away.

Is she going to die?

Heart In The Armor (Alphonse X Reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt