I Realized I'd Do Anything to Protect You

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

Al, Ed and I decided to go on a walk, so we could start to feel better. No one was really completely ok yet, but the company of each other started to help.

"Let's go to headquarters, I need to find out what happened with Tucker." I felt determined to know, I think it's because of what I did.

When we get there, I knock on the Colonel's office and sit down, a few people around us, and speak up. "What happened to Tucker?" Mustang looks over to me from his recent conversations, Hawkeye steps to the side.

"He fused himself with his dog." Mustang replies.

"No. We saw him just a couple of days ago, the witnesses can back me up on this." I said,

"Get some rest, (Y/N), you're delirious." He said, looking back up from his work.

"Then what was written down as a report for that case?" I say, balling up my fist.

"I can not disclose that information. Good day."

"I was part of that ca-"

"I said, Good Day." He finished.

"So, you what to learn more about alchemy?" Uncle Roy said, going down to my level.

"Yeah! I want to be just like you and my mom when I grow up." I said enthusiastically, with my wide smile on my face. At the time, I was seven, and I was visiting a few months before my birthday.

"Well, alchemy can do many things." Uncle Roy put on his glove, and slowly snapped his fingers, controlling his fire to be small. "It can amaze people, but it can also kill." He said, as his fire died down. "Remember which one you want to use."

Mustang shows me to the door along to Ed and Al and closes it behind himself. I start to walk away, my hands bawled up as I'm walking, into the rainy day outside. "Im going for a walk, stay around here." I said, turning away from them.

"But-" I cut off Ed's sentence and kept walking, through the city, around bends to an alley way, I look around and I punch a wall with my automail hand.

"Damnit! What can I do, I can't even save a little girl!" I hit the wall harder, it slowly forms a small crack, I feel the rain hurt my stubs connecting to my automail, but what's the point?

I sit down onto the ground, trying to calm myself down, trying to erase the thoughts going though my head, but I see alchemical sparks from the corner of my eye and look up.

I see Ed and Al running over into the alley way and I jump up. Then I look behind them to see a man with a scar on his face chasing them both. "I told you two to stay out of trouble!" The man charged after Ed, I grab the back of his head and push him to the side.

     Then stand in front of Ed and Al to protect them. "I'm not going to fight a citizen." He tries to run to them but I punch him with my automail hand.

"I wouldn't let you touch them." I kick him back with my right leg then push him to the ground with my other. He grabs my hand and tries to transmute it, since he didn't know I had automail limbs, nothing happened.

"I know what type of alchemy you use. I've heard about you." I put my lift foot on his neck. He grabs my foot and blows it up. "Shit." I murmur. I look around for something with similar materials to my automail, and painfully add a foot like prototype so I can get to them. I stand up and run back to them. Before I get there, I see part of Al's armor blown to shreds.

"Alphonse!" Ed and I yell. I run back to Scar and put him into a choke, then throw him to the ground with my other automail foot in the shape of a spear onto his back.

"You're stubborn, huh?" He said.

"Very. What do you have against them?" I balance the blade on his back.

He grabs my leg and throws me into the cold, hard, ground. Then runs to Ed, when I try to stand up, I feel everything in my body telling me not to. What can I do now? I'm useless. I can't do anything. Now I'm going to watch them die in front of me. I'm nothing.

I look over at Ed and Al, Ed trying his hardest to hold his own, and Al watching helplessly as he watched his brother helplessly from the sidelines. Im pathetic. I can't help them.

"You're my friend, alright? I want you to be happy, you're an amazing person, (Y/N), and you shouldn't change that in the slightest."

No, I can't let them down, they're all I have now, I can't let them die. I use all of my strength to get up onto my feet. To watch Ed's head in Scar's hands. Then I charge after him, and grab his arm, manipulating his hand to make it let go of Ed's face. Then, weakly look up.

     "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm (Y/N), and you'll have to kill me before you kill them."

I charge in, and see his hand going for my face. I duck and cancel out his alchemy with my own. He jumps back a bit and punches me in the gut, I feel myself cough out a bit of blood, then run behind him and slam my elbow into his back, causing him to fall onto the floor.

Then I hear gunshots, I look over to see Riza pointing a gun into the air, and Mustang next to her with his glove on and ready to go, in the rain. Scar runs towards them, when I try to go after him, my body gives into the stress and pain and I pass out.

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