What He Left

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~One Day Later~

~Al's POV~

I've been asking Mustang to go and see (Y/N) for the past day but he hasn't let me, I've also have been wondering how this has happened. The day after this happened, I helped Mustang, Mr.Hughes, and Hawkeye search the Tucker house for evidence.

     "Guys, this used to be a room, do you think it was sealed off?" I say, then I draw a transmutation circle on the wall, and make it into a door, what we say then was horrible.

     We saw Alexander, but it wasn't.

     It wasn't human, but it wasn't a dog, the dog had blonde hair on the top of its head, and pure white eyes. There was broken glasses on the floor with a note next to them.

    The dog was Shou Tucker.

     Mustang picks up the note, and starts reading it out loud.

Dear who ever is reading this,

      I know that I would've been sentenced to jail for trying to transmute humans with animals so I'm going to say this now.
The talking chimera was my wife.

I was planning on using Nina for the second one, but was going to resort to using (Y/N), because there would be less consequences, but I guess my plan failed. I'm sealed in here by her and am probably going to die here. So I'm going to die with my dog, I know we wouldn't life for to long, but it's better then facing the shame of getting killed on the spot. If someone else is reading this, I want you to tell this to (Y/N) this: Thank you, for showing me how wrong I was for my actions, I don't want to put my daughter or you though this. This is my goodbye letter, and my Will. Bring Nina to a nice family. Kill the creature I've made. Give the money I've made to Nina for her future. Goodbye
Shou Tucker"

We all walked to Headquarters in silence, Mustang and Hawkeye reported everything. Hughes started talking.

"I'm sorry, Alphonse."

"Sorry? For what?" He sounded sincere.

"I should've told you. I had (Y/N) get some information on Tucker. If it wasn't for me, she would be with you two. I'm sorry, Alphonse." He looked up at me, at the brink of tears.

     "Hughes, it's ok, she would've gotten involved with it somehow, she's like that, it isn't your fault. Ok?"

"You should go see her, Al, I'll go show you to her." Hughes shows me to a hospital,
He goes up to her room with me and I walk into her room. She was bandaged up completely on her whole arm, going up to her neck. Her eyes slowly opened.


~(Y/N)'s POV~

     I wake up feeling very tired in a hospital bed. I look up to see Al hugging me. "Al... my shoulder.." I murmur, feeling the stabbing pain of the gun wound.

"S-Sorry (Y/N)!" I look up at him and smile. Then sit up and bed, stretch, then stand up. "(Y/N)! You just woke up and-" I feel myself stumble into his arms.

"S-sorry.." I joke.

He picks me up and puts me back in bed. "We all where worried, you know."

"I know." I murmured.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Who told you?"

"Mr.Hughes." Why would he tell him that? Did he feel guilty.

"I didn't want you to get into trouble, I don't want to see you hurt. What type of guard would I be then?"

"I don't want to see you hurt, (Y/N), both Ed and I don't. We have ourselves and you now. And I don't know what I'd do if I lost you, (Y/N)." When he said that, I felt my heart skip a beat, and my face heat up.

I look at him and smile.

"Your not going to lose me. You two have been the only people who have cared for me in a very long time." I go over and hold his hand. "And for that, I thank you both." His helmet blushes.

As comfortable silence with Al and I holding hands sets upon the room, The Hughes walk into the room. "(Y/N)!" Elicia hugs me from my bed, with little tears in her eyes.

"I'm ok Elicia, it's just a few scratches." I reinsure her, putting my hands up defensively.

"JUST A FEW SCRATCHES? YOU LOOKED DEAD IN THE PHONE BOOTH (Y/N)!" Maes said, sounding a combination of mad and sad. Maybe smad?

     "Well she's ok now, here." Gracia handed me an apple pie. "It's from us, we hope you get better soon." She said smiling. Before they all walked out, I remembered something.

"What happened to the Tucker's?" I asked.

Maes stopped. "I'll be right out." He said to Elicia and Gracia. He closed the door behind him.

     "I didn't want you to be the one to tell you this, but, his lab was sealed off, when we went inside, we saw a fusion of himself and Alexander dead on the floor. He also left a note about something he wanted to tell you, he said thank you, for showing you how wrong he was." He gave me a hug on my automail shoulder. "I'm not going to put you though that stuff, you're just a kid, and you really shouldn't be in the military, you should be having fun, like other kids do." He sounded sincere, as his green eyes looking at mine.

"Well, most kids don't have automail limbs. I'm ok, Maes." Maes looked down onto the hospital floor, smiled, then left.

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