Beginning Of My Story (Part 1)

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It all started out normal, I had a mom and dad, and an older sister.

Soon my dad left.

Then my mom died giving birth to my sister, Lilly. My older sister Nicole hated Lilly, she hit her and hurt her

Lilly and I thought if we studied alchemy, and worked hard then we could bring mom back to make Nicole happy.

     We where wrong. And we where dumb to believe that we could ever bend the will of god

I understood Nicole, wanting to feel her warm hugs, see her beautiful smile, and hear the way she spoke, she never got mad at us, so Nicole and I loved her.

That's why she snapped.

     So, I wanted to make Nicole happy
I wanted to see my older sister smile again
I wanted to see her laugh and play with us.
     "Why do you love her, (Y/N)? She killed mom, you should hate her. I hate her. Trust me and let's go and find dad, ok?" Nicole would say, always thinking that she knew everything. But she really didn't. She was naive as we where, believing a problem would go away by leaving it alone.

     I still remember it years later. March, 27.The day we committed the greatest taboo any Alchemist could think of

Bring back a dead human soul.

We shredded blood
We lost hope
And she lost her life

     I bet my own sister's life just for approval for Nicole.
So see her smile again, to hear moms calming words.
     To see my arm and legs missing
And some demented creature in the horrible circles alchemists pled their lives to.
To see my own sister be ripped to pieces in front of my own innocent eyes.
To hear Nicole scream in horror at my body and the creature on the floor

"What have you done!?"

"You're a monster!"

"You killed her! You did it this time!"

     But nothing hurt more then the grief for my sister in guilt
I was greedy for wanting approval and letting my pride in alchemy get the best of me.

I am (Y/N) (L/N), and this is my journey to becoming a State Alchemist and meeting the love my life.

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