The Fight That Started It All

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~Alphonse's POV~

The girl seemed very sweet to us as she extended her hand out to Brother and I, but that's when I realized something, (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, (S/C) skin, and short. Is this the girl Mustang was talking about? I look at brother, he still doesn't know about her, but is it a coincidence?

"Excuse me, but why are you out this late the night? Your family must me worried about you" I say, trying to hide my motives.

   "Your right! Well, it was nice meeting you two! Hope to see you again!" She said as she walked away and handing Brother back his watch.

Ed examined the watch, then checked the inside which was completely blank, no clock, no nothing.

"Hey! Get back here!" Ed clapped his hands together and formed a wall before the girl was walking.

"Hey, you're going to need a lot more then that." The girl clapped her hands and sparks shot into the air, making a door for her to get out as she ran. Ed and I started running after her.

"Al! Go around to cut her off!" Brother said.

    I did as he said, running down the alley turning to see her, and brother on the other side. "Brother, mom said that we should never fight girls." I said.

"Well, I think that we should make an exception in this case." Ed said, charging after her. She kicked him square in his automail shoulder.

"Sorry, wrong shoulder." She said grabbing his arm and flipping him over.

I stepped into the fight and, not wanting to hurt a girl that much, grabbed her, "This isn't fair, two against one? Really?" She said, kicking me in the chest plate. Then she started to run away.

Brother grabbed her foot, his eyes widened, "Brother, what's wrong?" I say looking at him.

"Let me go damnit!" She said, clapping her hands together, breaking her shoe and turning her toes into a blade, slicing Brother's automail arm, causing his arm to move away and from her to run, Brother and I start to run to her.

"Brother, I think we should help her." I say.

"What do you mean Al? She's a thief! She could kil-"

"Brother, what would you do if you didn't have anyone else?" I said, Brother's reaction showed that he knew what I meant by that. "She's scared Brother, and we should help her." I say. We turn the corner to where we saw her run.

Looking around, we see a ledge on a building with her sitting on it, seeing scraps of automail on the ground near us,I look at Ed, then start talking.

"Hey! We don't want to hurt you! We just.... we want to help, can you please come down" I say. She hopes down on one leg, putting the impact on it, causing it to break.

   "Listen, if your going to do it, just do it, get it over with." She looked down at the floor, exposing her neck to us. "I know your taking pity on me, but I have no need, if your going to kill me, just do it, I have nothing worth living for."

Her voice is stern. "No. We're not going to kill you, and we're not taking pity on you, we want to help you, we know a great automail mechanic in Resembool. She can give you new legs. So just let us help you, ok?" Brother says.

"Fine, are you just saying this to get your watch back? Because I can give it to you." She said. I pick her up, carrying her in my arms.

"H-Hey! I didn't say you could do that!" She said.

"We're taking you to a friends house tonight, tomorrow we'll take off to Resembool." I said cheerfully.

Ed steals his watch from her pocket and a piece of paper comes out, Ed gives it back to her, she gives him the stink eye. " By the way, what's your name?" I say.

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