Surprise Date!

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Weeks went by, Anastasia got more distant and surprisingly more hated. The teachers had the courage to talk down to her like they did to everyone but her, everyone just didn't like her. The rumors died down, just enough to prepare for the carnival.

At the end of September, the high school and some of the student council run a big carnival. They rent a few rides, there's games, food, like, Lots of food. There's even a teacher dunking station! Along with so much other things. Everyone is always so hyped for it. people usually get asked out for it, it's the second biggest thing in the school. People who don't get asked usually go alone or with friends, which I've been doing every year.

So, how, in what world, was I getting asked to it?

Let's go back to the beginning of the day.

September 22, 7:45.
School starts in: 15 minutes
Your POV

I jump into my home room seat. Everything has been boring this week, well, sorta. There's fliers around the school for the carnival next Friday, but that's it.

"So, want to meet up at the park later?" Chloe said, resting her arm on my shoulder. I swat her arm away.

"I'm the most inactive person you know. How 'bout we go ice skating? You play hockey, and I want to learn to skate." I said, as she smiled a bit.

"Sounds pretty good! Let's get some ice cream first, though." She said, sitting down at her chair when the teacher came in.

Soon after, I was having a really good dream in bio about my eggs and hash browns I'm going to eat for breakfast when the lunch bell rang. I shake off my sleepiness and head over to my table with my lunch, sitting next to Alphonse and yawning.

"I would've woken you up, but you looked like you didn't want to be. Why are you so tired?" He said, as I stretched a bit.

"I stayed up til..... I think 2 watching a new anime series I got really into."

"What's it called? I've been looking for something new to watch."

"It's called Fullarmored Flamefist. It's about this suit of armor that travels the world with his little brother looking for a way to get there bodies back. And the armor has flame alchemy but can only use it when punching people. It gets really good."

"I feel like I've heard about that before.... whatever. It's probably nothing."

Our group hung out and talked until the bell rang, and we all went out separate ways.

I got into Chloe's car and hopped in the passengers seat.

"What do you think of Al?" She asked suddenly.

"Where did that come from?" I retorted, blushing a bit.

"Just wondering. You seem very close to him."

"Well.... he's brave, kind, caring.... he's really everything. He can get super protective too, but I like that about him. He's willing to help people and comfort them if they need it, and talk through things with them. He always is so calm, too. Whatever happens, he always stay so... collected and cool. But me? I'm stubborn, annoying, I can't do shit! He's way out of my league."

"Well... do you like him?" I felt my face go red.

"W-Well..... I mean.... it depends what you mean about that.... I do feel like I like him, a lot, actually. But I just don't want to get my hopes up. He has better people he could be with, I'm already a burden to him, I just slow him down."

"Don't say that about yourself." She commanded, punching me in the shoulder. She pulled up into the ice cream stand we usually go to. I get out of the car and she stays.

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