When They Meet Again

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     When I wake up, I feel myself on a pillow wrapped in a blanket, Alphonse was talking and blushing and it looked like Ed was teasing him. Lilly was also eating food along with Ed. I go down stairs to get some food from the lobby and come back up.

"So, what did you two do after I feel asleep?" Ed said, I felt my cheeks heat up. Thoughts quickly came back to me about everything that happened last night.

     'He probably told Ed, which isn't surprising, but how can I fall I love with a boy I've known for almost 6 months? I need to ask someone these things.' I thought to myself, still not answering Ed question and looking at the floor.

    "We should get tickets to Rush Valley so I can get my foot fixed." I grab a cup of milk that I got and a bowl, pour the milk in the bowl and give it to the cat.

"Yeah. But you still haven't answered the qu-   OW!" The cat scratched Ed's ankle, everyone in the room started laughing and I went up to pet the cat.

    "Good girl." She started to purr.

"I'm going to go see how the Hughes are doing. Take care of Lilly." I say, about to leave the hotel room and grabbing a hoodie as well.

"I-I'll go too." Alphonse said.

As we walked down the empty road, in, not to mention, silence, I decided to speak up.

"I-I'm sorry for everything that happened last night, I-I guess I just got into the moment then that happened and...." I started to trail off into murmurs as my face darkened and we walked.

"It's ok... b-besides... I-I enjoyed i-it.." He said, his helmet a dark red.

"You did?" I said, blushing.


We arrived at the Hughes apartment. I stepped forward and knocked at the door, to Garcia, and Colonel asshole.

"It's nice to see you Garcia. How's everything going? Is Hughes feeling b-"

"BOO!" I transmute my hand to a blade and point it at their neck. I see a worried Maes with a plate of cupcakes in hand. "It's just me!" He gets some frosting on his finger and 'boops' it on my nose.

    "Happy 15th birthday!" He said with a goofy smile.

"How'd you know?"

"Research department. Now can you pretty please put your hand back down?" I transmute my hand back and open the door to Chloe, Lilly, Ed, Elicia and Alphonse who just walked inside. In another part of the room is the room is Riza, Mr. Miniskirts and him. My father.

    "(Y/N)!" Elicia ran up to me and hugged me.

"It looks like you've grown a bit, Elicia!" I say cheerfully and put her on my back. She stuck her arms out and made the sounds of an airplane which honestly made me smile.

"(Y/N), where you really going to pretend today wasn't your birthday?" Maes said, putting the cupcakes on the table. I shrugged and looked around.

"Sort of, there's other things to do." I said, taking a cupcake.

I spent a part of the party trying to get Elicia and Lilly to play together, even with their clashing personalities. They both agreed to play dolls in her room, and I sit down and eat a cupcake.

The party isn't the most exciting, the adults are talking to each other, Alphonse and Ed have been talking and I feel my dad has been giving me glances from the other side of the room. And also, Mr. Miniskirts started taking shots.

     I'm knocked out of my observations with a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Maes with a concerned look on his face. He brings me to the stairs of the apartment building, and starts talking. "You need to start to forgive him, (Y/N)." He said, his green eyes piercing my (E/C) eyes.

"How can I? He's a good for nothing jerk who didn't care about his family."

"You can't keep thinking that. I know you're mad (Y/N), but what keeps making you think this?"

     I hear a knock on the door from outside. I'm sitting on a chair, drawing what looks like scribbles, but really is a transmutation circle. My mom opens the door to a man in a military uniform and a suitcase. "I'm back." He said with his goofy smile. I was seven at the time, my mom was pregnant.

     My mother hugged him, tears in her (E/C) eyes, he hugs her back, and pecks her on the lips. "Besides, why would I miss my daughters birthday!" He said, picking me up and putting me on his shoulders.

"Papa! Look what I drew!" I holding my drawing in my small hands.

    "When did you teach her alchemy?" He said, smirking at my mother. My mom smiled, and hit him on the head with a rolled up piece of newspaper.

"When you weren't around to see it. Now you have to stay here and help me teach her." They both laughed, and my dad put me back down.

     The candles where lit on the kitchen table, as we gathered around, and they started singing to me. But, at the time, I didn't know that

this would be the last normal birthday I'll ever have.

     "I.... I don't know. But he just left us. All the time, and I could see how sad my mom was getting over the years, he always left at the worst times too, and he didn't even come back in time see that my mother died."

    I look up, and hear footsteps in the hallway, Maes stands up and gives me a quick hug, and my dad sits down in his spot, as if my father was replacing Maes. "Pumpkin, y-"

"Don't call me Pumpkin." His horrified face showed it all. I felt anger boil and simmer inside of me. How did he never know? She's been gone for 5 years, and he never came to even check up.

    "Well you would've known if you actually came back!! You left her, when she needed you most, and you didn't even bother to show up after that! Did you just not want to face the burden of seeing your three daughters despise you for leaving?! Cause you did a hell of a job doing....so...." Tears where forming in the mans eyes, for the first time in a while, I felt a feeling in my stomach. What is it? It feels bad.


He brought me into a hug, and put his face into my shoulder, before feeling the hardness of it. He reached for my hand and rolled up my sleeve, his eyes said it all, he was shocked, but not mad.

"(Y/N), did you commit the taboo?"

"Why'd you leave?"

"Where are your sisters?"

"Why do you care?" We went back and forth asking questions, mostly about what's been going on in the past few years, but no one answering a question.

"Why did you do it, (Y/N)?" He looked at me with concern.

     "I wanted to see her again. Why did you leave?"

"They forced me to join in for the war. What happened with Lilly?"

"....." I stayed silent.

"(Y/N), what happened to Lilly?"

"I'm sorry."

"What do you mean? (Y/N), what did you two do?..."

     "I said I'm sorry!" I feel tears of the memories flood my eyes, I feel him pull me into a hug, I start to put my head on his shoulder.

"She's gone. We.. we committed the taboo, I lost my legs and an arm.... she lost her life..." My voice is filled with emotions and sorrow for my little sister.

"It's ok, (Y/N), it'll be ok now." He rubbed my back and pulled me into a tighter hug.

"Cause your father's back and he wouldn't leave you again."

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