The Tale of the Dead Family

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

We walked over to the headquarters, Ed still annoyed and myself being driven by the thought of seeing Nina okay again. We walk over to the front desk. "Excuse me, but where is Nina being held?"

"Who are you?" The lady at the front desk said.

"I'm Sergent (Y/N), I was the one who saved Nina Tucker." Trying to sound as professional as possible, then Ed started laughing at me for trying.

She nodded. "Right this way." She leads us to a cell-like room made of bricks and covered with webs, I turn on the light to see Nina.

"Nina? Hey! It's us." I said. Ed, Al and I walk into the room.

"(Y/N)?...." I walk over to her, she's in horrible condition and dirty.

"Nina... what happened?" She breaks into tears and hugs me, Al goes down next to us.

"It hurts..."

"Nina?" Al said, he scoots closer to us. I look at Nina, she has a dog-like tail and white eyes. I feel her go limb in my arms.


I feel my voice tail off to a shrivel, I look over at Al, equally mortified. I look around the room. To see if anyone else is in here. "No... How could this happen? I thought.... I thought he was dead.... who did this?" I see a tint of the reflection of glasses. Then out of the shadows,

Shou Tucker.

The only person who could fused a human and an animal.

" bastard!" I run up to him, hatred filling and fueling my every action. I clap my hands together and grab his shoulder.

~Al's POV~

I look down at Nina, then back up at Tucker. Why would he do such a thing, to his own daughter? I thought they killed him! I thought he was with Alexander. I see blue sparks fly from where Tucker was standing, along with a disfigured arm. "(Y/N)!!" I go up to her, and grab her arms.

Tucker is grabbing his shoulder in pain and passes out on the floor. "LET ME GO! LET ME GET THAT MONSTER!" I hold her tighter, Ed, who is standing behind us, is unable to move by shock. Ross and Brosh run into the room. Standing in horrifying awe.

"What the hell happened in here?!" No one could respond, when we looked back, the arm was gone, along with Tucker.


We headed back to the Hughes house. The rain pouring down in the cloudy day. They tried to ask questions but (Y/N) didn't speak, she just walked away, no one could talk to her, even right now.

The sounds of cars echoed as we walked to the Hughes. We opened the door to an excited Elicia. "(Y/N)!" She jumped up to hug her, she just kept walking, turned the hall, and walked into an empty bedroom.

"What happened?.." Maes said.

We couldn't say a word, even if we where told to.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I ran up a hill to see my mother doing laundry with Nicole, I happily run with a little cat that I just made with my alchemy. "Mommy! Look would I made!" I show my new cat to my mom, she looks down at me and smiles.

"It looks beautiful, (Y/N)! You're doing so good! You're going to be like your father in no time, my little alchemist!" She picks me up and swings me around. But then puts me down, her smile falls. "But... what I would love most is.... if you could put us back together as well." Nicole morphs into Nina and Alexander, then they combine together. The world fades into the brick room with Nina and I.


I can't save them.

I can't save them.


I bolt up out of the bed and look around. I look up to a concerned Maes looking down at me, next to the bed. I pull my legs up to my chest. "(Y/N)... It's ok..." He goes closer to me and I feel tears run down my face. But all
I can think about of is how much I regret this.

~???'s POV~

"She seems powerful, I think she would be a worthy sacrifice." I look up at Lust and she looks down at me.

"Very good. We have a total of five so far, we should see if we can find a backup for if one of them passes. I think I know a good candidate." I morph out of that ugly form.

"It was interesting of how you knew how to morph into him. Good work,


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