A Promise She Made

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(F/F) is favorite food

When I get off the train and start rolling over to Chloe's house, I see a familiar friend coming from the other direction.

"(Y/N)? What did you do?" James walked over to me, looking down at me as if I was a lost cat.

"It's a long story, I'm heading over to Chloe's house, want to come?" He rubbed the back of his neck, and laugh nervously.

"W-Well, last time I went there, she was ready to kill me. She threw a knife above my head, and said she was aiming for the jackass." I burst out into laughter, laughing the hardest I had for a while, with tears almost rolling down my cheeks.

"That's Chloe. She's always really protective." I smile a bit thinking about her, she really has got me through a lot.

When my mom died, she let us come over everyday to eat, and would stay over when I was sad about my mom. She always found a way to help Nicole and I, and I'm forever thankful for her.

I feel someone push the back of my wheelchair, I turn around to see James pushing it.

"Full speed ahead!!" James runs as he pushes my wheelchair ahead, going down the dirt road to Chloe's house.

When we get to the door, I ring the doorbell, and hear footsteps coming to the door. Chloe opens the door, glaring at James, then looking at me. Her eyes widen, and ushered us inside.

"What did you do?....." Her eyes are filled with worry, and her voice is shaky.

"The... the doctors said I was paralyzed from the waist down. I can stand up, but haven't tried walking yet." Chloe stood up from her chair across from me, walked over to me, and gave me a back hand, which hurt like hell.

"Ow! That really...hurt...." I look up at Chloe's eyes, she was tearing up. Tears rolled down her red cheeks, as she hugged me.

"You promised..... you promised you'd live on for Lilly and I.... you promised to not die, right!?"

     I look at my nubs, which once was real limbs. I feel my heart ache for my sister as I remember how young she was, she never got to grow up.
Fall in love.
Get married.
She never turned 10.
And it's all my fault.
     I hear the door swing in, Chloe is standing there, she walks into the room. "Hey, don't cry." She hugs me, and pulls me in tight, as if she was protecting me from myself.

     "You have to promise me something, ok?" I nod at my childhood friend.

"You have to live. You don't have to carry this burden by yourself. You have me and my mom. Lilly would've wanted you to live a happy life, and you wanted Lilly to live a happy life, too. So live a happy life for the both of you, ok?" She stuck out her pinkie at me, I wrap mine around hers, promising to live, for it just myself, but Lilly, too.

"You promised to live a happy life for Lilly, I don't want you to die! You're the best friend I've ever had!" Her sobs come in, making her not talk again.

     "Chloe... I'm sorry, I'm so, so damn sorry." She lets go of me, and whips her tears. "Promise me you'll stay alive." I smile at her, sticking out my pinkie. "I promise."

Time Skip

It's been a day since I got back home, James asked to go hang out at his shop and I decided why not. James owns a café, that sells drinks and sweets.

  "Your clothes look so boring, and dirty. Let's spice things up." Chloe said with a smirk.

"My clothes are just fine. And no, I will not give into you playing doll with me to pick out an outfit to hang out with James." I said, looking away and crossing my arms.

   "It'll be fun! Come on! I'll make (F/F)~." My mouth watered at the thought of having it again.

"Fine, but no skirts, or things without straps, or anything revealing." Chloe starts cheering, then goes through her closet, holding up outfits for me to wear, then she holds up a black dress with flowers, that stops a bit above the knee.

"No." I blankly say. I wheel over to her closet, find a pair of jeans and a long sleeve t shirt, that looks nice. I change into them, struggling into the pair of jeans.

   "You look so pretty! Now lets put your hair down." She took my hair out of my ponytail, then looked at my necklace.

"It doesn't go with your outfit, want to borrow another one?" I look down at it, and smile.

"No, I like it." When I have it, it reminds me of all the memories with Alphonse and Ed. Sure, some of them aren't good, a lot of them aren't, actually. But I don't focus on them. I focus on the long train rides we made fun, or the nights we spent joking around instead of sleeping.

"Who gave you the necklace, anyway?" Chloe said, with curiosity lacing her voice.

"It was a birthday present from Alphonse. I think I've been wearing it since." I hold the necklace in my hand, as if I wanted to protect it.

"Well, someone sounds lovestruck. Let's get you on your way." Chloe grabbed the back of my wheelchair and brought me outside.

I looked down at my necklace and smiled, I've seen him a couple days ago, but why does it feel so weird to be away from him? I always get this feeling in my stomach when I talk to him. He's always so kind and caring, and puts up with me all the time.

     We arrive at the café, James and his mom, who was always very nice by the way, helped me into the café, while I looked at the menu and decided what to get.

     "What would you like to order?.. Wait, (Y/N)? I haven't seen you in years! You've shrunk!" We start laughing at her joke, she was James' mom, she always was nice to us, and scolded him when I was little.

"It's nice to see you've gotten better." She said, smiling.

"How's the shop going?" I said, not wanting dreaded awkward silence between us.

"Not to good, honestly. What have you been doing?" Her eyes glanced down, as if she wanted to hide the fact she didn't really get business to often.

"Well... a lot, to say the least. I've been traveling over the country for the past nine months." I say, leaving out everything else that's happened.

"Well, you've got lots of time to explain it, exactly to James." She looked over my shoulder and smiled, I turned around and saw James with a slight blush on his face.

"You look amazing."

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