Chapter 4. Get out of my head!

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Jimin ran out of the school grounds heart pounding. He hates being around that teacher for too long. Afraid he might say something he will regret. He just didn't trust his mouth around godly beings.

He wondered if this is how all the girls thought of him...His trail of thought was cut off when his phone started ringing. He looked down to see it was Taehyung. He answered the call full of excitement. "TAETAE! You don't know how much I love you right now!" He yelled down the phone.

"Straight forward are we?" He replied in a flirty tone. "You wish! I was just thinking about someone I didn't want to." He sighed. "Ah...I..See..? Anyways!" He mused. Jimin stayed silent to let Tae speak. "I heard there was a new HAWT teacher! Is he hotter than you?" Tae questioned he sounded 100% serious. "Yes" Jimin yelled into the phone before violently hitting the end call button hanging up on Tae when he was about to speak.

Jimin just wanted him out of his head. "Its the coffees fault I hate coffee knew it was a bad idea to drink it now I can't get him out of my head!" He yelled slapping his head.

"Who?" A voice was heard from behind him. "If you dont mind me asking." Jimin froze. That voice sounded familiar to him but he couldn't tell who it was. The person walked beside him tilting his head and giving a goofy smile his dark locks falling once again.

'Fuck my life' Jimin thought to himself. "Oh...N-no-one sir!" He laughed awkwardly trying to walk past the teacher. "Okay then but it was defiantly someone. Hmmm. Maybe a girl?" He mused following beside Jimin. Jimin couldn't help but let out a little laugh. "Don't care for that" he muttered picking up his pace to get away from the teacher.

'What if he follows me to my house? Shit what if he finds out where I live!?' Jimin thought. The teacher continued to try communicate to the boy. Before he stoped and spun to his side. "Are you following me!?" He yelled at the teacher.

Jungkook stared at Jimin eyes wide. Before keeling over with laughter. "What's so funny?" The younger asked. "The way you think I'm following you. I live this way too!" Jungkook laughed slapping his leg and trying to keep from falling over.

Jimin was so embarrassed that he just said a quick bye and sprinted away. As he got around the corner he covered his eyes. He was smiling and he didn't know why this was serious! He just accused his teacher off stalking him. Yet he just laughed. They were only 6 years older.... He shook his head. "Doesn't matter! Doesn't matter! Doesn't matter! NOW get out of my head!" He screamed hitting the side of his head over and over.
Jimin ran off leaving Jungkook confused to what just happened.
It seemed that every time Jimin felt afraid or invaded or even embarrassed his first thought and action is to run. This interested Jungkook.

He found Jimin to be a very interesting boy. He thought he was beautiful I mean there is no denying that, smart, hardworking I hope..., kind, childish, interesting and unique.
He liked this boy a little more than was okay. He liked him more than a student but he knew that was wrong and he should really find someone his age.

After all if he were to date Jimin he would just hold him back...

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