Avenging Angels (Erin x Dean ft. Castiel)

Start from the beginning


Dean feels an internal sense of accomplishment when Zachariah finally shows himself after both him and Cas have tried to reach out to him for days. He leads them to the location of the house and asks Dean, "Now your word?"

"Look before I say 'Yes' to Michael and SHAZAM the world is in good hands, I... I need to see Erin one last time," Dean's eyes glisten with sadness, "I don't know how I'll be when I make it back... If I make it back."

Zachariah rubs his forehead and after a little contemplation,  nods his head and leads Dean inside, though stops Cas from coming any closer, leaving the Angel quite offended. Dean keeps a the Angel blade in his jacket pocket close to hidden, so to not ruin his plan.


The Winchester looks to the corner of the basement room with a ray of hope on his face. "ERIN?" He runs over to her and holds her head-

Zachariah pokes his Angel blade into Dean's back, making him stop suddenly. "You touch her and this goes further into your back," He warns and Dean turns around, raising his hands in the air in defense.

"Okay okay... Chill," He says and rolls his eyes, "Anyways, I haven't secured my safety yet."



Dean pierces the Angel blade into Zachariah's chest with full force, with light illuminating the entire room as he flashes and burns out of existence. Once he is sure the Angel was dead, he runs to you and examines your body for any injuries.

"Erin are you alright?" He asked you and you nodded you head.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine De-" You stop speaking and look over his shoulder, widening your eyes, "DEAN Look out!"

Bartholomew charges at him with the Angel blade held high above his head ready to attack. Dean grunts and clenches his fists then swings his blade at Bartholomew. They fight with threat until Dean is unable to block the blade and it nearly pierces through his neck. Bartholomew pauses and instead of hurting Dean, he touches his forehead and knocks him out.

Dean grows limp and collapses onto the floor. The Angel walks over to you and touches your forehead as well. Your head falls to the side, resting on your shoulder.


You sighed as you tried again to open up the chains strapped to your legs with the bobby-pin you picked out of your hair.

It's been two months since you've stayed here, Bartholomew wants to know the whereabouts of Castiel so that he surely does not interfere in any of his plans.

Of course, brig a close friend of yours, you nor Dean release any information. On top of that, you don't even know where he went after Dean came to save you and kill Zachariah.

"Erin, you alright?" Dean asks with a weak smile. You crawl up towards him then rest your head on his shoulder, "Yeah... actually not that much, this place sucks."

You sulk and sigh, "What could we possibly tell him that can change his life? What's honestly-"


You and Dean jerk in fright as you watch the doors open, light peering through, and a man walks in.

"We have to get out NOW!"

Dean squints his eyes to see who entered, "G-Gabriel? What...?" The Angel runs a hand through his hair and glances back at the open doorway, "I need to get you guys out of here before-"

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