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Sophie’s POV

When I finally arrived at the hospital, after getting stuck in the middle of the traffic, I sighed “Finally”

They would not let me come in the ambulance with Robert and Emma, which turned out to be a good thing, because now we all have a way to get back home.

I just hope everything is alright.

Making my way to the front desk, I immediately noticed the policemen in there, talking not only to the receptionist, but to some other people. Cautiously approaching, I heard:

“What about the other guy? The mentally sick one”

A knot immediately formed my throat. There is no way… we can try our best for the rest of our days. Robert will always be a mentally sick person to the society in general.

“He’s just fine.” The doctor replied “And calmer”

“Well, that’s good. That way we can talk to him.”

“Will you arrest him?”

“Well, we can only do that if the other guy press charges against him and…”

I didn’t listen to what they were saying anymore, I started walking away.

Robert and Emma had to be near, for them to be talking there. I gently knocked at one door, opening it to see a old couple holding hands, the lady laying on the bed. Both looked at me, curious

“Oh, I’m sorry, wrong door”

The softly smiled as I kept looking throughout the other doors.

After knocking on one of them, I opened it to see Harry, sitting on the bed, holding a huge bag with money. My eyes widened “Wow” I said

“What are you doing here?! Get out!”

“Alright, alright!” I said, frowning.

What the hell?

That is totally weird and suspicious.

I gave up after a few minutes, I simply decided to ask someone for them. But it wasn’t even necessary. Right as I was asking for them, I saw Emma holding Robert’s hand. I could see by the look on her face that she was panicked.

“I finally get to see you guys” I quickly approached them as we watched the policemen, intimidatingly, walking over to Harry’s room.

“There they go… I’m next, girls. Better prepare my hands” Robert looked down

“Don’t say that, Rob!” I breathed “Maybe they won’t do anything” I said as Emma couldn’t speak a word.

“How are you?” I asked as no one said a word

“I’m ok.” He looked at me, those eyes screaming for us to leave. And we’ll have to wait for that.

A long and agonizing wait.

“Look! C’mon people!” I snapped, trying to cheer the killing mood up “I am very sure we will be home tonight, laughing, admiring my amazing cooking skills and watching a movie afterwards!” I said

Emma leaned against Robert shoulder, closing her eyes. Robert just looked at me, a small smile on his face “You don’t know how to cook”

I pulled out a shocked face “I’m wounded, Robert Hunter!”

He smiled adorably and looked to Emma, who leaned against his shoulder. Touching her face gently, he made her look at him “You ok?”

She looked at him, nervously “It’s all because of me, really”

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