Compulsory Detention

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Robert’s POV

I was calmly walking down the street, following Sophie’s instructions. I must be close to Emma’s place. I need to see her so bad, I need her to forgive me. Forgive me for not simply pushing Macy away, for not being able to stop her, even though anything ever happened.

So I walked eagerly, I just know I was close.

When I finally arrived at her house, or so I thought (it looked like Sophie’s description, at least), I stepped inside the gate. And everything happened too fast.

I was about to knock on the door, when it suddenly opened for me, revealing Emma.

But she wasn’t alone. She was with a man.

She was in his arms.

I could feel my heart breaking into a million pieces

“Emma?” I whispered, watching them looking back at me, smiling as if it was nothing.

Her smile broke my heart. It was something I never saw in her before.

“Wake up!”

I felt something in my right arm, while I could still see Emma smiling at me.


I basically jumped on the bed, awake.

Well, did I?

Am I even in a bed?

Am I even awake?

I just know I am still tied up.

I cannot answer to any of those questions.

I can’t figure out if the voice that I hear in slow motion are real or just another trick of my mind.

I feel enraged.

I feel slow.

I feel weak.

I now realize I was dreaming.

It was just a dream. It had to be.

I would never be able to move on. I am stuck.

Emma was the first beautiful thing I got stuck on.

But I am aware there is a possibility she might move on, after what I did. I am aware of how many men would love to have a chance with her.

I would die if she ever moved on.

Because I know I just can’t.

I would die… I don’t even know if I’m dead already.

I have no idea where I am or for how long I’ve been here.

Maybe I’m stuck, between lives.

Wait, is that even possible?

What the f*ck is going on with me?

With my mind?

I tried to scream. The rage inside me increased more every second.

I still feel something getting inside my arm. I can’t say it hurts, but it is uncomfortable as heel.

It is coming up my arm, and it is making me feel so dirty, so contaminated.

How long has it been since I last took a bath?! All the vermin are invading my body. That will not get cleaned with a million baths, for god’s sake.

It’s inside me!

So, again, I tried to move.

I tried to talk.

Compulsive (Robert Downey, Jr.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora