No different

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Emma stood quiet in her spot, looking at Robert who was concentrated in moving the objects. Out of all things she had wondered, this was definitely not in the list.

She finally approached to sit next to him and grabbed his arms for him to stop.

He closed his eyes before looking at her intensely.

“Why me, Robert?”

His gorgeous brown eyes stared at me for some moments before replying “I don’t know how to answer that, Emma. You’re… you’re beautiful, you know that… I…” he sighed “You’re perfect in my eyes and… that’s actually the best I can give you. I didn’t really chose” He said

Emma looked at him, she felt flattered, her heart swelled with those words. And she knew they were sincere.

“I don’t even know you that well…” He said

She smiled as he continued “I’m sorry for following you”

“You are too sweet, Robert” Emma smiled “I still can’t get over the fact you’re doing all this because of this silly problem”

“It isn’t silly, Emma. It… I’m serious” He stood up

“Ok, ok” Emma stood up and made him look at her “I’m sorry”

He half smiled, not replying

“You know what, let’s go out, have some dinner, get some fresh air and not think about all this”

Robert looked at Emma, surprised “I-I’m not sure if being friends with me will be…” Emma interrupted him

“That’s not even a question, Robert.” She smiled “Let’s go” She grabbed his arm

He smiled widely “Ok. But I’ll have to go to the bar, afterwards. You could go as well, I didn’t forget your love for dancing”

Emma smiled at him “That’s a deal”

All the tension and silence seem to wash away as they walked around the streets of the city. Emma felt incredibly good with him, he was extremely funny, charming and very down to earth. No one could even tell he had any kind problem, he was just like everyone else.

He didn’t think he ever felt so comfortable with anyone. There wouldn’t be awkward silences or moments. They would talk, joke and laugh together. That made him feel great, as he didn’t in a long time.

“Ooooh, McDonald's!” Emma squealed as she saw the fast food place, while they were arguing over a place to eat something.

“Oh, well, I can’t say no to that” he chuckled “C’mon”

“So…” Robert spoke, as both were sitting in a table, enjoying their meal “Tell me more, Emma. You’re not from here”

Emma looked at him “No…” she whispered “I came to town to study and I ended up staying”

“Why didn’t you go back?” Robert asked “Someone special?”

She looked at him, amazed at how astute he could be “Well… at the time” She said “Then, afterwards, I already had a stable life here, I decided to stay”

“What made the relationship end?”

“My naivety”

He looked at her, warmly “I hope you are ok now?”

She smiled “I’m fine now, still away from my family, but I visit every once in a while”

Robert smiled “They must be really proud of you”

Compulsive (Robert Downey, Jr.)Where stories live. Discover now