Carpe Diem

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“OH!” The couple interrupt their kiss as Sophie entered the kitchen “So, I am there, sitting on the couch, worried something might have happened, worried about who the hell was here and you are here happily snogging each other?”

Emma giggled, letting her head fall into Robert’s chest.

“I am sorry, Sophie” he smiled at her

“Oh, don’t, Robbie. She’s just being dramatic” Emma smiled

Sophie smiled at both of them “So, you finally stopped being stubborn and attacked each other?”

Both Robert and Sophie smiled and looked at one another

“Well” Emma said “You know…” she caressed his face

“Yeah, I do know!” Sophie chuckled “And I also know that you should listen to me more times, because I know what I say all the time”

“Most of the time” Emma looked at her

Robert raised his eyebrow, not quite understanding their conversation.

“So, are you two joining me in the movie or not?” Sophie smiled, turning around and leaving for the living room

Emma looked at Robert “You should rest, Robbie”

Robert looked down “Well… can I… stay with you?” he whispered

Emma smiled “Sure, but… what about your uncle?”

“Oh…” Robert took a deep breath “He is at the hospital”

Emma’s eyes widened “He is?! What happened?”

“He just… he fell and the doctor said he should stay there just for precaution. He’ll probably leave tomorrow”

She caressed his face “How has he been?”

Robert sadly looked at her “The same… you know I’m just… so scared for him”

Emma nodded “I know, Robbie, but you need to be strong for him. You need to be there and do not let him give up”

I slowly nodded “I know, I-I… try to. You know I… I have my… moments”

She smiled, kissing his lips “I know you’re doing great.” She held his hand “Now come, you have to get some rest”

He gladly followed her, both passing by Sophie in the living room

“Hey, I’m really happy for you guys” she chuckled “But remember I am down here when you get in that room!” she joked

Robert chuckled “We will think about it”

Emma playfully slapped his chest and pushed him with her, upstairs.

“I brought nothing with me, damn” he whispered

She smiled “It is ok, I surely won’t mind to see you without clothes”

He chuckled “But tomorrow I’ll have to wear the same thing…”

“It is ok, Robbie” she whispered “It is just for a while”

He took a deep breath “Still, gonna feel dirty”

She looked at him as he started taking of his clothes to go to bed “We’ll go to your house tomorrow morning and take care of that, ok?”

He half smiled at her “ok” he smiled “gonna join me or what?!” he chuckled

She smiled widely and quickly sneaked into the bed, cuddling with him.

“Hmmm” she smiled, resting her head on his chest

Compulsive (Robert Downey, Jr.)Where stories live. Discover now