Chapter 1. Alone

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Jimin sat against the schools blossom tree watching the petals slowly fall. He had peace and quiet for once. No one could bother him. At least he thought. He closed his eyes as he heard the footsteps and giggles of girls he hoped they didn't notice him or didn't want to talk to him. He wasn't so lucky.

"Excuse me? Park Jimin~" a girl with an annoyingly high pitched voice whispered in my ear. I opened one eye to find a group of 6 girls and one beside me. I looked directly at her.

"What do you want?" He said sounding annoyed. I noticed her friends all pulled out there phones they were probably gonna record it. This all happens to often.

She bowed and yelled "I love you! Park Jimin!" She looked up and tried to do a cute shy face but I didn't find it very cute. "Tell me three things you love about me and you will get an answer." I sighed I feel like a robot saying the same thing multiple times a day. Why don't they take a hint..?

"Easy! I love your face, your body and your!" She exclaimed smiling brightly. I slowly got up and walked over to her I seen her close her eyes as is if she was waiting for a kiss.

"You seriously think they count? You just named my appearance. God your the same as the rest! I don't want someone who wants me because of my looks! I want someone who loves me for me! Bet you didn't even know my favourite colour or how old I am! People like you make me sick!" Jimin snarled walking right passed the confused girl and into the building he didn't stop for anything he walked into music class murmuring and growling under his breath he took his seat at the very back of the class. He was so angry he didn't even notice it was a different teacher.

The rest of the class walked in whispering about what happened with jimin and that girl. When they noticed the new teacher the boys fell silent and the girls started giggling and trying to sound cute.

"Hello class, my name is Mr. Jeon. I am your new music and math teacher!" He exclaimed happily. He had raven black hair that was obviously styled before he came in. He was wearing a casual black and white suit. With black nike runners.

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