Chapter 58

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We then headed back to my house. Ryder and I were going to study. He had the radio on and the windows down. This was always my favorite thing. It was always relaxing. I was always at peace during this time.

Nothing much happened for right now. I am getting closer to my due date. Trust me I am ready to have her out. This has been a long nine months. But I don't regret it. Compactions are now closer then ever. They are just around the corner. With my due date close it is worrying Quinn and the others. But this will not stop me from helping them win.

"Okay guys, compactions are in a few days. This is a big one. I know we can do it." Mr. Shuester was saying. She was trying to give us a pep talk. He wasn't always that good at them. But we understood what he was trying to say.

We practice our songs we were going to perform. I have a good feeling about all of this. I really think we have this in the bag. I then felt a kick. Angelica agrees with me. She has been moving a lot more lately. I think is excited for the compaction like us. That is what I like to joke about when she kicks me or hits me when we are the glee room.

We then headed out of the room for our next class. Ryder, Jake, and Marley were walking with me. We were talking about the compaction that was coming up. We were all excited about it. I was also nervous. I won't lie.

"So, I know we already talked about this. But what to have to do to get you sit this one out?" Jake asked me.

He wasn't wrong. We have talked about this. I already made it clear to him that I was going to perform. Nothing was going to stop me. Unless my water breaks I am performing with everyone. There is nothing he can do or say to stop me.

"Jake I already told you. I will be performing with you all. The only way to make me miss it is if my water breaks before it." I told him.

"I know. I just thought to give it try again. Maybe you have changed your mind." He told me.

"Nope. Quinn is standing beside me on this one. She preformed in when she was pregnant. So, can I." I told him.

"But didn't Quinn's water break right after?" Ryder asked.

"Yes. But she still preformed. It did no harm to her or the baby." I told them.

"I think it should be okay for Kitty to perform with us. It should be no harm. We just have to be ready incase her water breaks." Marley said.

We all looked at each other and laughed about that. With my luck that would be what happens. But I really hope it doesn't. I want to stay the whole time. I want to be there when we win. Be with everyone. Let's just hope this little one can hold out of that long.

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