Chapter 31

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Dear My Marine,

I have not been truthful to you and our brothers. I am saying the same things to our brothers. It is not him. So don't worry. But I don't want to be a disappointment to you guys. I always wanted to make you proud.

But what I am about to tell you. I don't know if you will be proud of me. So I am just going to go out and tell you. I am pregnant. I am sorry. I never wanted disappoint you. I am going to keep my kid. The father does know. But one bad thing is I am not living at home. You can tell by the different address. Mom and dad kicked me out. But don't worry I do have a roof over my head and being taken care of.

My friend Quinn took me in. She has given me a place to life as long as I need. She is also helping me. I know guys want to know who the father is. So I will tell you. It is Jake Puckerman. Jonathan probably knows that last name. His older half-brother Noah Puckerman is in the Air Force. But no worries. Jake has been so helpful and there for me. He told me he will be there for us always.

I really hope you are not mad at me or disappointed. That is the last thing I want. You guys are my only blood family I have left. The glee club goes know. They have been super helpful. So the family I only have is them and hopefully you guys.

I have not been up to nothing really except for Glee and still going to Cheerios practice. But to worry. I don't cheer. I just watch. Glee is doing great. This week is duets. I have two different duet partners. Sam and Ryder. So this is going to be fun. Really? That really means a lot. Knowing we have support when we don't have a lot of it at our school.

I am happy to know you are safe and fine. I saw them and I love them. I am proud of you. I am proud to be your sister. I put some pictures. I even put a resent picture of my baby. I really hope you will be proud of me after telling you. I LOVE YOU TWO!!!!

Look up to the sky and look at the stars and remember we are looking at the same ones and not that far. Always in my thoughts and my heart. Love you 2!

Sincerely your little sweetie,

Kitty <3

I then finished writing to my other brothers. The letters were all the same. I whipped way my tears. I really hope they are proud of me after telling them.

It is has been a couple of days. Everyone has been going with their duet partners. I was post to meet up with Sam right now to talk about our duet. I was sitting in the auditorium reading the recent letters my brothers sent.

I had tears coming down. But they were happy tears. I then heard,

"Kitty, you okay?"

I looked up from the letters to see Sam. I whipped away the tears that was coming down.

"Yeah. They are happy tears." I told him.

"Okay. Good. I was going to say. We do I have to get." He said chuckling.

I laughed with him. My brothers would really like him. I then said,

"No worries. You don't have too."

"So what is up with the tears? Even if they are happy. If you don't mind me asking." He asked as he sat by me.

"Letters from my brothers. I just told them about me being pregnant and they...."

The Past ReturnsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz