Chapter 2

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"Fun. You could come out with a fun song. Come out with some thing you want to sing" He said. The rest of the went by fast. The bell ranged and got out of there quickly. I catch a bus to the clinic. I walked into the place and went right up to the front desk.

"May I help you?" The women at the front desk.

"I have an appointment." I said scared.

"What is your name?" She asked.

"Kitty Wilde." I said.

"Oh the three o'clock appointment. Just take a seat and the doctor will be with you soon." The woman said.

"Thanks." I said with a weak smile. I sat down in the waiting room.

"Ms.Wilde. The doctor can see you now." A nurse said from a door. I followed her. She lead me to a room. "The doctor will be with you soon." She left. I sat in the white room alone for about ten minutes. Then there was a knock and the doctor entered the room.

"Hi Kitty. My name is Doctor Smith. What may I help you with?" She asked sitting down at a small desk in the room.

"Well. I was wondering if I could have a pregencey test." I said scared.

"First thing is first. How long have you not had your gift?" She asked.

"I should of started three days but I didn't." I told her.

"Okay. Then we can take a test and see what it says." She said.

"Okay." I said. I took the test and then I just had to wait now. I waited for the test to get done. I waited in the room by myself until the doctor came back with my test results. I looked at her. I was so scared. She take the seat at the desk and looked at me.

"Okay Kitty. The results are back." She said.

"And?" I asked.

"You are pregant." She told me. I looked at her and broke down into tears.

"No. I can't be. I'm only a sophmore in high school." I said though my tears. The doctor got out over he chair and came over to me.

"Honey everything is going to be okay. So you are only sixteen years old." She asked me.

"Yes." I said still crying.

"Everything is going to be okay. You have chooses." She said.

"I know. But I will not do abtion." I told her.

"Okay. Is there any one we can call to get you?" She asked.

"No. No one knows I came." I told her. "Please. Just let me pay and leave." I got up and fixed myself.

"Okay." She said. I paid and then I left. I finally got home. I saw my parents car.

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