Chapter 24

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"Kitty, where are you going?" I turned around to see Jake.

"Jake." I said.

"I asked you a question. Where are you going?" He asked me.

"I am going home." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I have to go home. I can't handle this. Just come over later. We can talk more." I said.

"Okay. Do want me to get your work?" He asked me.

"No. I told Sue Ryder can do that. I thought you could just come over and not worry about it." I said.

"Okay. Sounds good. Do you want anyone from glee to know you are leaving?" He asked me.

"The people who needs to know will know. But that is it." I said.

"Okay. I will see you later then." He said.

"Yeah. Quinn is here I have to go." I said walking to Quinn's car.

*Jake's POV*

I watched Kitty get into Quinn's car and them driving away. I then walked back down the hallway. I saw Ryder coming from talk to Sue. I waved to him.

"Hey Ryder." I said.

"So do you know?" He asked me.

"Oh that Kitty went home. Yeah." I said.

"So does she want everyone else know?" He asked me.

"She told me the people who need to know will know." I said.

"Okay. So I am taking at as a no." He said.

"Yeah. I just feel bad. This is tough on her." I said.

"Yeah. But it will get better." He said.

"Yeah. I know. I just wish I could do something to help her." I said.

"Same here. The only thing we can do is be there for her and help her as much as we can. Did she say anything about what you guys are going to do?" He asked me.

"Not yet. But I think she wants to keep the baby." I said.

"That must be nice. You guys would be great parents." He said.

"Thanks Ryder." I said.

It is the end of day. I talked to coach Beiste about what is going on and she is letting me skip practice. I got her work from Ryder and I headed over.

I knocked on the door. No one answered. I knocked again. No one still answered. I know she is home. She told me she was going home and stay there. I looked around. Quinn's car was not in the driveway. Why isn't she answering the door? I pulled out my phone and pressed her number and waited.

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