Chapter 36

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"I need to talk about Kitty." I told Jake.

"What about her?" Jake asked me.

"You know how I like her. But I don't want to ruin anything for you two." I told him.

"Thanks man for coming to talking to me about it. But there is nothing going on between me and Kitty. We just two people having a kid. I am with Marley and she deserves to be happy." Jake told me.

"Thanks man. I just didn't want to ruin things between you two." I told him.

"Dude, do it? Ask her out?" Jake told me.

Then the bell rang. I headed to find Kitty. I wanted to walk her to her homeroom. I found her talking to the girls.

*Kitty's POV*

We were taking about the baby appointment that is coming up. The bell rang and I said good-bye to them. I turned to see Ryder coming up to me.

"Hey." I said to him.

"Hey. Can I walk you to your homeroom?" He asked me.

I smiled a little bit. I felt special. I then said,


It has been a while since that day. Today is important day. Today I will be finding out the sex of my baby. I woke up and headed downstairs to see Quinn at the kitchen table.

"Morning." I said walking into the kitchen.

"Morning." She said looking up to me.

"So I have that appointment today." I told her as I got my breakfast. I made myself a fruit salad.

"Yeah. Are you excited?" She asked me.

"Yes I am." I told her. We then heard a knock at the door.

I went to the door and opened it to reveal Jake standing there.

"Morning Kitty." Jake said to walking in.

"Morning." I said. He followed me back to the kitchen.

"Hello Quinn." Jake said to her.

"Hello Jake. Did you have breakfast?" She asked him.

"Yes. Thanks for asking." He said.

We ate our breakfasts. I then went back upstairs and got changed. Then we went to my appointment. We were in the room waiting for doctor. When the doctor came in. We did the same thing. Same thing.

"So do you guys want to know the sex?" The doctor asked us.

I looked over to Jake. He nodded at me. I then said,

"Yes please."

"Congracts it's a....."

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