Chapter 49

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She looked at me surprised. I didn't want to look at her anymore. I just walked away. I headed back inside. I just need some space right now. I headed to the baby's room. I sat down in the rocking chair.

I heard the door open to the room. I see Quinn coming in. Ryder and Jake were with her. I looked at them with a small smile. I then said,

"I just needed to walk away."

"It's fine. Are you okay?" Quinn asked me.

"Kitty, don't believe anything she said. She is all wrong. You are going to be a great mom. No one can tell you anything different." Jake told me.

"I know Jake. I'm alright Quinn. Just hurts a little bit." I told them.

I got up and headed back to the party with Jake, Quinn, and Ryder. The rest of the day went better. When everyone left I was putting everything in the room. The room is perfect, and I loved everything.

"Hey, I am heading out. Thought I see if you need anything." Ryder said from the door way.

"I'm good. Have a good night Ryder. Thanks for everything for today." I told him.

"No problem. I'm always here for you. Text me or call me if you need anything." He told me.

"Will do Ryder. Night." I said to him.

"Night Kitty." He told me. He gave me a hug and then left.

Quinn was stand there saw the whole thing. She looked at me and smiled. I looked at her and asked,


"He really likes you. Has he ever said or anything?" She asked me.

"No. There was a chance once, but he blows it." I told her truthfully.

"How did he blow it?" She asked me.

I started to fold the clothes and everything. She was helping me. I looked at her and said,

"He was being catfished and he picked the online girl over me. Finding out Unique was the catfisher." I told her.

"He never tried afterwards?" She asked me.

"No. We stayed friends after that. I told him, he only got one chance if he picked her." I told her truthfully.

"So, he thinks you don't like him anymore. But what do you feel about him?" Quinn asked me.

I put away the lost clothes and I went to putting the blanket my brothers gave me. I looked at it and hugged it. I just don't want to get hurt anymore. But the truth is my heart says something else. I then said,

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